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The silence of an empty street at night fills the atmosphere. Street lamps lit up along the road with the odd one flickering in the distance, the light from them giving the ground a shine to it from a storm that passed not too long ago. The sidewalks also have a slight shine to them with a few puddles giving a bigger shine from catching the light of the street lamps. The starry night sky could only be covered up by the still present dark clouds that loomed in the sky.

The silence that once filled the street is now replaced by a clicking sound. The origin of said sound belongs to a pair of black high heels that make a clicking sound with the odd mix of splashing from any present puddles as the moved at a walking pace. The owner of the black high heels was a average height woman with long flowing pink hair and a rather big black sun hat on top of the woman's head. The woman wore a black knee-length dress that had a soft look to it. Carried on her shoulder was the strap of her purse that hung at the woman's side shaking back and forth as she walked. Her face is unreadable, thanks to the shadow that the black sun hat provided. But if one were to look closely, one could make out a frown on her face that would open on occasion to catch her shaky breath. One would also see if close enough, faint tears that slid down her cheeks.

One final thing that could be seen on the woman was that she was carrying a baby carrier. The roof of the carrier pulled out covering the top. Both of the woman's hands held the handle with a firm grip.

After the woman walked for a short while, she came to a halt as she slightly turned her body to face a large stone brick building with a stone wall and metal bar gate out front. Taking a shaky deep breath, she walked towards the building, opening the metal bar gate that had a small metal plaque embedded in the stone wall beside the gate hinges, and it read, "Musutafu Orphanage".

As the woman passed the threshold, she walked along a stone cement path with grass yards on either side, with various toys and playground equipment seen on either side of the two yards. The woman now standing infront a set of stairs, illuminated by a porch light that was above the front door, made her way up to the top, stopping at the top just before the front door of the building. Pausing for a moment, she moves to the side of the stone porch near the short stone wall that sat on the edges of the porch and stairs. She set the baby carrier down beside the wall before she stood straight and began to search her purse.

After she stops her search, she pulls out a slightly bent letter, due to all the various other objects that rest in her purse bending it, the woman bends down and turns the front of the baby carrier to face the woman.

She reaches into the baby carrier and gently pulls a blanket towards her to reveal a sleeping baby boy resting peacefully. The baby didn't have much, but the few strands of hair on the baby were pink. Seeing the peacefully sleeping baby bring many more tears onto the woman's face as she gently places a finger on the baby's cheek rubbing it ever so gently. The woman could only give a slightly shaken smile that slowly turned into a shaken frown. Removing her finger from the boy, she place the bent letter she had in hand on the baby's blanket.

Standing back up she continues to look at the baby before muttering two words, "I'm Sorry".

She turns to the front door and presses the door bell that was on the wall beside her. When lights could be seen coming from the window on the right side of the building, the woman turns around and quickly takes her leave, but not without taking one final look at the baby Than running off.

As the front door open, a young woman could be seen with wild brown that reached down to the top half of her back came out. She wore a pair of green and blue checkered pajamas and a pair of pink fluffy slippers.

"Hello?" The woman called out. As she looked around to see who rang the bell she could barely make out a fleeing figure that dissappears from sight. She shakes her low hunged head before turning around to go back inside. Not before she sees the baby carrier.

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