6 | ᴏᴠᴇʀᴄᴀsᴛ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ, ᴄʟᴏᴜᴅʏ ᴍɪɴᴅ

445 17 53

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of murder/death

(Sometimes these warnings may seem kinda ridiculous but Uki's story is going to get really dark eventually so uh yeah- I'll make it clear when the warnings are serious)

Word count: 1009

☆-----...•ᴏᴠᴇʀᴄᴀsᴛ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ, ᴄʟᴏᴜᴅʏ ᴍɪɴᴅ•...-----☆

I leap off the building, letting gravity do its natural work and pull me down before I activate the Gravity of my Quirk, bouncing in midair as I negate my body weight.

Scanning the ground, I categorise each group, trying to determine where I'm needed most.

My eyes catch on yellow and I let myself fall down to the ground again, softly landing on grass.

Bakugo pushes past me, hues of desperation present in his voice. "MOVE, FLOATS, YOU GODDAMN EXTRA!"

I narrow my eyes at him, shoulders sinking back in place after he's gone. I walk more slowly towards the fight happening in front of me.

I figure out what's going on within a couple of moments, hesitating for an instant as my mind whirls through plans. Mm, simplest one should do. These villains don't appear to have enough of a plan.

"Hey," I call. "All Might-sensei."

"Get back, Hoshizora-shoujo!"

I barely even bother to roll my eyes. There are a million issues with that request. So I reach out myself and shake the Hero's hand.

"What are you--?"

I pull him out of Kurogiri, half with raw strength, half with the assistance of my Quirk, and use Orbit to throw all two hundred and fifty-odd kilos of him at Bakugo.

"OI, FLOATS! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" he yells, eyes bulging as All Might lands on him.

"Thank you, Bakugo-shounen!" All Might declares, getting back up. Bakugo growls, explosions going off in his hands.

Allllright then. I'll leave them to it. I back off, shuffling out of Bakugo's line of sight, and fix my eyes on the Nomu All Might was fighting.


I decide to sit down and watch Midoriya until this is over. I don't have anything better to...

"ASUI-SAN!" I yell, leaping up, and kick Second-Hand-Shop in the head, knocking him to the floor. "Don't touch them," I hiss, landing on his ribcage.

He scratches his neck and looks up at me. "Don't touch me, little doll. I'll kill you."

"Wanna bet?" I ask. He snickers, tilts his head.

"Hoshizora." Aizawa-sensei's voice cuts through towards us. I scowl and jump off the villain, shoving my hands into my pockets. I wish I could claim that I timed it so the moment I did so, an explosion of dust went up around me as All Might punched Nomu though the roof and the fogman widened the villains' escape route.

Unfortunately, I can't take the credit.

I sniff as the dust tries to invade my nose. "Stop that," I mutter.

It does not stop.

I stand.

"I..." I say. "I'm..."

I sneeze.

I fall over.


I sit back up, trying to regain a sense of dignity. I don't. But I do see something.

My eyes hurt but I see... something.

Through the dust.

I squint, trying to prevent my Quirk from deadening my sight. The edges of my vision begin to blacken, but I stubbornly continue staring.

A tall...


I give up, head pounding, hyperaware of my heart pumping the blood through my veins. Ow. Ow. Ow. I place a hand on my face, tching.

Who are you?

"Hoshi-chan! Hoshi-chan!"

I turn around. "Mina?"

She cannonballs into me, squeezing the flying comets out of me. "By Luna-" I start, but she interrupts.

"Oh my God, Hoshi-chan, I was so worried about you!"

I blink, patting her awkwardly on the back. "You don't need to worry about me."

"But I'm gonna," she insists, sitting back. "'Cause you're my friend."

I blink again, slowly. "Friend?"

It's been a long time since I heard that word.

We trust you, Zuki.
You didn't hurt him.
No matter what they say.
We'll protect you.
'Cause we're friends.

Friends are

a liability?

are a way you get your heart broken.


"So this is the great class 1A?" He sneers. "Wow, you guys are full of yourselves."

"Yeah, the only reason everyone's talking about you is 'cause you got attacked by villains," someone else chimes in.

"And it's just chance that happened! Coulda happened to us too!" another person agrees.

Do they... Are they saying... Implying they want to get attacked by villains?


Eh, me too. Maybe I'd finally find someone who isn't boring to fight.

I yawn.

Yep, this has gone on quite long enough...

I clear my throat, holding out a hand to stop the guy opening his mouth from saying anything. He shuts it, his surprised goldfish expression disappearing. "Alright, as fun as this is," I drawl, "I have things to be doing. If you'll excuse me."

There's absolute silence.

Nobody moves.

Well technically, a girl three people from the left and two from the front's eyebrow twitches a little, and of course everyone's still breathing and making tiny miniscule motions that are typically undetectable by the human eye, but apart from that nobody moves.

I sigh. I was trying to be polite.

"If you don't, I'll be forced to knock you all unconscious and walk over your bodies until I exit the corridor."

They start to murmur, shuffling out of my way as I walk out of the classroom. I don't know what they're saying. I'm trying not to listen. I can feel my classmates' stares burning holes into my back, wondering who I am, what I'm doing.

Yeah, they're probably fucked.

Good luck dealing with the other students, 1A.

The crowd closes back in behind me, directing their scowls at the so-called best Hero class in Japan. I'm left alone, mostly. Only the odd glare gets in my way.

I turn a corner, walk a little, and pause to look at my reflection.

My hands are gloved.

This is for the best.

My hair is tied back.

I will protect everyone.

I raise an arm and pull my tie out from behind my blazer. It flaps against my chest, free to blow in any wind that comes my way.


are you happy, Ukizuki?


Next time on Lunar Night: the Sports Festival begins, a catchy tune, and a race...

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