Act 1: Part 9: The Realization

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You were absolutely mortified. You couldn't even look Meredith in the eye even after she insisted it was okay that you got snot on her shirt. You covered your face with your hands and thought in horror, God, why did I just do that?

You didn't cry in front of people. You shoved your feelings deep down until you were safely tucked away in a place no one would catch you as you cried your heart out. Well, at least you did, up until now. Meredith continued on as if nothing happened and walked you to your class with a word of advice. "You should give Beck the cupcake you got him. I'm sure he'll love it."

That was hours ago. Now, you stood at your locker as people rushed by you eager to finally leave school for the day. There was this little thought in the back of your mind since Meredith left your side and a part of you was afraid it would become true. Meredith is going to tell everyone how much of a pathetic crybaby you are. Except, no one was pointing fingers or even looking your way which made you feel horrible for thinking such a thing about Meredith. You groan aloud and bang your head on your locker while thinking I'm a horrible person.

"Ouch, what did that poor locker do to you?"

Your face heats up as you spin around to the familiar voice. You force a smile. "Beck!"

"She said with surprise in her voice for some reason?", he questions.

You wave him off and pull open your locker. "Sorry, I was just lost in thought."

"Yea seems like it. You do realize the bell rang over 15 minutes ago?." At that, your eyes widen and Beck smirks. "You're lucky it was me who came to search for you. Jade is already on edge since you skipped lunch."

You gulp. "Sorry! I really didn't mean to take this long. As for lunch," you trail off before saying, "I was caught up in something else and skipped."

You bite the inside of your cheek as soon fib passes your lips. As far as your concern, the secret cry you had during lunch can remain a secret between you and Meredith. Beck sighs, "You don't have to eat lunch with us every day, but when you didn't show up, we were worried."

You don't even have to ask who we was. "S-Sorry!"

"You also don't have to be sorry. You have a right to your own life outside of our-," Beck pauses as he tried to find the words to say, "friendship."

Your heart drops to your chest. Friendship, isn't this what you wanted? You could feel the tears from earlier resurface and you push them back. Then, why do you feel this way? You nod anyway. "Of course."

Beck nods to the exit. "We should get going, I don't think Jade is going to wait any longer."

"Right!" You force yourself to take the cupcake without a second thought and slam your locker shut. "Let's get going."


Like usual, you all end up hiding out in Beck's RV. Beck had dragged in an old orange comforter that clashed horribly with the green carpet of the RV. It was times like these Beck would joke about moving in so he could bring his mattress into the RV, however, we knew his parents wouldn't allow it and settled on the comforter instead.

In the silence that lulled around the three of you, you cradle the bits of courage you had before saying, "I got something for you." You move slowly afraid to break this gentle peace around you before holding out the cupcake box to Beck. "Happy Birthday, Beck."

His lips lift up in a wide smile and you felt yourself responding in kind. He opens the box and beside him, Jade also curiously peeks inside as Beck lifts out the single cupcake. Your heart races as he inspects his gift and you blurt out, "I know it's not a lot-."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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