Goin down... 2/4/15 - 5/4/15

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Hi, I'm Unicitty and yes if your a stranger that randomly just stole my diary, I am Unicitty named after Unikitty. P.S if you don't know who Unikitty she is my mum. Today is my first day at Trinity Lutheran Polborage, and it didn't go quite as I thought. The lunch Kogar forgot to make my lunch, I sat by myself on the stage, had to go to the office because I got into a fight and all because I'm a Rainbow Solla Unikitt. :( Also ma mum didn't think that Trinity Lutheran polborage would make me do Christian studies to study Lutheran things, that I can't do. It was officially named THE WORST DAY EVER.
The next day was even worst than yesterday. It was Tuesday with means it is Italian, like who wants to just learn Italian. They have no reason to choose Italian, there's nothing special about it. Yet, I was wrong. The teacher spent half the lesson (23 minutes) explaining why they chose Italian. It was so boring most people started snoring! And the worst part was we only got 20 minutes to memorised a 8 lined poem and perform it after. I ended up getting a D, when I normally get an A, A+ or A- in EVERY subject! The rest of the day was shit and is not worth writing about. So the next day was a bit better but was still bad. Like really bad. I went to school for the first half were we just do writing, reading and go on "mathletics". So I just write in my diary in writing, reading and "mathletics". I then left school by leaping over the back fence, behind the trees, than ran from the owner of the house behind and flew back to my home ( cloud coo coo land). Of course I did this all without anyone seeing me ( except when I was running away from the owner)! But then at 3:13pm (2 minutes before school finishes) ma mum found me in the toilet. :( The next day was definitely an improvement because ma mum made me be late for school so I would get into trouble. But when I said that the only reason that I came home was because I was sick so I came home. She said I didn't see you and then we got into an argument and you don't want to know the rest. I'll write it anyway, I got to stay home!!!!

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