Chapter 22

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We were returned to The Program area just before dinner. Once the instructors disappeared behind the iron door, we were bombarded with questions.

Flashes of concern shot through my brain and only stopped when Naruto pulled my arms out from my sides so he could look me over for injuries, "What'd they do to you guys?"

My face warmed and I gingerly pulled my limbs from his grip, making him frown. Surprisingly, Sasuke answered before I could come up with a response. His voice was raspier than I remember it being. "They're testing body modifications on us."

Naruto didn't hesitate like the rest of us, "Well I can tell what they modified on you, Hinata, and Kisame, but what about the rest of you guys? Sakura?"

We turned to the pink-haired girl expectantly. The girl had still been a bit pale when we awoke this morning, most likely still recovering from the harsh fever she'd suffered, but her face got even whiter once the attention was turned onto her. "I...I'd rather not say."

Ino hugged her friend in her arms, saying, "You don't have to if you don't want to, Saku."

"They told me they're attempting to give me the heightened senses of a couple of different predatory animals."

We all turned when Kiba suddenly confessed. His face warmed slightly, and he raised his hands casually in defense, "I haven't really noticed any changes so far though!"

The iron door reopened and Kabuto came through with the large food cart he always brought, and our conversation was brought to a premature close. Since the health specialist would undoubtedly report anything he overheard to Orochimaru and Madara, everyone silently agreed to keep quiet until the silver-haired man left the area again.

We sat in a large circle after dinner, reminding me of the first day we'd all arrived and had done so to introduce ourselves. This group of misfits has truly come a long way.

"As I said, I haven't noticed any changes yet, but the doctor said I should eventually be able to smell and hear better than even a wolf or bear." Hushed murmurs dusted the air as the group pondered his words.

Deidara, whose fever had gone down drastically, but was still bedridden because of his sore body, spoke up, "Hinata."

I perked up, eyes wide because the man had never directly spoken to me before, "Y-Yes?"

He glanced at Sasori, who sat at his side, and gave him an encouraging nod, before swallowing nervously and continuing, "Can you take another look at me?"

My face warmed as a few people looked at me with confused expressions. Only those who'd witnessed me accidentally activate my new ability knew what had happened. Sasori had undoubtedly told him how I'd somehow seen beneath his bandages.

"What's he talking about?" I glanced at Sakura as my frown deepened, "I can try." My limbs shook nervously as I approached him where he sat atop his sleeping bag and knelt by his side, "What makes you think anything will be different from last time?"

He placed a trembling palm against his chest with a disgusted look, "Ever since this morning, I've felt something moving, and I can't tell if I'm imagining it or not."

With my teeth grit, I nodded to steel my nerves before enacting what I'd practiced with Madara and Orochimaru earlier in the day. Gasps sounded around the room as the familiar heat spread throughout my face and my vision altered. My heart was immediately pounding quickly in my chest, and I hurried to move his hand aside because I knew I couldn't keep it up for long.

My eyebrows furrowed and shock stilled my body as I stared at the young man's chest. The stitches that once held the long cut closed appeared to have dissolved, and instead of a wound, it appeared the skin had pulled back a bit beneath the bandages to reveal what looked like....teeth.

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