Chapter 1

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As her breathing quickens with each short stride, she becomes more aware of the pain building in her chest and the heat spreading from joint to joint as they are pushed to their limits. As much as it hurt, she had to keep running.

Turning sharply around each sudden corner, she came face to face with a dead end, a simple stone wall as high as the highest tower. Looking around in panic, she suddenly hears a howl in the distance which makes her blood curdle and turn cold. A line of sweat appears on her forehead as she begins looking around frantically a second time, desperate for an escape.

As she was looking around whilst the howls got closer, she was faced with her pursuers. Massive, snarling wolves as dark as the night itself, eyes as red as the blood moon. With teeth barred and hackles raised, their eyes locked onto their pray and slowly moved forward, one paw in front of another. Faced with her imminent demise, Sophie just accepted her fate and closed her eyes. As she felt their breath on her face and the cold stone wall on her back, she raised her arms defensively in front of her face. Suddenly, a bright white light illuminates the night, turning it to day for a few seconds, causing the wolves to run away in fear and surprise. After the light faded, Sophie lowered her arms to her sides. Shaking, she opened her eyes to see a tall, handsome figure in front of her. He was looking deep into her eyes with a look of concern on his face.

"Are you alright?" He said, his voice smooth like velvet and deep like the deepest oceans. Sophie looked up in surprise, eyes slowly blinking for a few seconds before she summoned the courage to answer.

"I-I'm alright...." She said with a slight stutter, her fear still obvious in her voice. She look in a large breath before exhaling, her body slumping against the wall slightly. She looked back up at this handsome stranger, taking the time to study him.

6'4, short black hair with gray streaks giving an almost salt and pepper look. A well kept beard and mustache, again with the gray streaks. Muscular build, making it obvious he worked out and did some sport of some kind, which was slightly hidden by his attire of off white robes. Maybe he was a fighter, a monk? Judging from some of the visible scars, like the big vertical one on his left eyebrow, going over his eye and stopping just sly the top of his cheek, that was the silent conclusion Sophie came to.

"Ahem?" Said the stranger, a fist held up to his mouth as he stood tall and at attention, eyes closed. Sophie was quickly pulled out of her thoughts as she slowly stood up, dusting herself off as best she could.

"S-Sorry...." She said as she looked around nervously. The stranger stepped closer to her and knelt down In front of her which made her jump back a little in surprise.

"You need not be afraid of me milady, I am here to protect you and to pass on a very important message." He said as he looked into her eyes. Taking hold of her hand, he bought her closer to him. Sophie blushed a little as she felt how big and warm his hand was compared to hers. "You are in danger" He said, breaking her pleasant thoughts.

"W-what?" She said, clearly alarmed.

"Once you are returned to your world, you will meet a man called Malcom. Do not trust him, do not go anywhere with him and most important of all, if he follows you, do not go home, do not let him find out where you live. If you want to live, you will heed my warning."

Sophie nodded slowly.

"Good." He said as he stood up. "I will be around to protect you but I will have to erase your memory of me to do so, you will only remember my warning."

He started to walk away, causing Sophie to call out to him.

"Wait! Who even are you, what is this?" She said. He turned to face her.

"Who I am is of no importance. Now, wake up!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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