part 1 childhood

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Akshara pov:
Akshu beta get up its time to go to school called out mummy ,five minutes more maaa...
Finally I got up it was the first day of std 11 I was scared and nervous  aru and I got ready to school  daddy drop us at school we have to reach school fast screamed Arohi

At school:
Finally the long boring assembly and the welcome speech got over
We all went to class first period was commerce and I did not know a to z about it after all it turns out easy thank goodness
The day went in a buzz
And it was already lunch time 😋

Arohi was waiting outside my classroom with vansh baiha
We all went to meet my friend ansh's class we have been in the same class from lkg but that idot choose bio maths

So now sir is happy without me in a different class  I see him talking to a tall boy  whose name I don't know  then it turns out it's ansh new friend abhi we all are now one big group happily having lunch together

Then we head back to our classes and a newcomer has just arrived to our surprise her name was pia she is a very sweet girl since I was sitting alone pia became my partner and after our small talk we become friends  I can't wait to introduce her to the others especially ansh I have a feeling that they will be great friends

After school got over I introduced pia to our gang or should I say group they were all happy  and interested in pia's  story

And this is how we all because friends

The story starts in a child hood phrase but the character will grow both couple will be given equal priority  since both are my fav pls vote and comment  according to which the story will  be considered to continue ( if it gets enough votes and comment)
See you in two days
Your dear
Author ♥️👋

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