New Kid

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Today was a another day in my awesome life except for noting special would happen. I had my headphones in walking to the bus stop. The bus would be here any second. I sat on the bench, Mini would have probably killed me for doing so, telling me about a the germs that were on that bench and the rust. Some kid came and stood next to me and tapped me on the shoulder.
"You dropped your earring" he said
I touched my ear to feel my favorite lighting blot earring missing. The kid bent down and grabbed it.
"Thanks" I said, I got a good look at him, he had brown skin like me, black hair, and dark eye like the night sky. He was were a green hoodie and jeans. He had a camera around his neck and a backpack over his shoulder.
"Hi I am Aru, Aru Shah" I stuck out my hand for him to shake it.

"Aiden Acharcy" He said shaking my hand. The named seemed familiar. Then I remember something. Last week my principal ask me to show around a new kid next week (so this week). She said something about them living close and that we might get along. At first I was surprised they had ask me, but I mean I know I am that awesome.

"You the new kid at school I have to show around!" I exclaim

"Yah..." he said
Just then the bus pulled up.

We got on and went to the back. The last two rows were already full so I got into the 3rd to last seat and motioned for Aiden to sit my me.

"So tell me, you look Indian are you?, you are sixteen(pretend Aru is who is 15, I need my story to work she is showing him around cause they have some class together) ?and most importantly do you like Swedish Fish?"

"Yes, yes, and... yes?" He replied last one unsure.

I started laughing at his confused face.

"You are bizarre Shah." He says laughing with me.

Little did I know on this normal day I would make such a great friend.

When Friendship becomes Love- (Aru Shah Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now