Chapter 2

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     "-Uh, remember! Check those cameras, and remember to close the doors only if absolutely necessary. Gotta conserve power. Alright, goodnight!" The phone hangs up, and I sigh to myself grabbing the monitor to check the cameras. "Alright camera 9 is good, let's check on the girls" I say to myself, and switch to camera 10, only to find Chica and Bonnie missing. "Where did they-" suddenly, I hear the door to my left close, and I shout in surprise and drop the monitor, causing The screen to shatter. "You should have been paying more attention to your surroundings, now how would you like to enjoy your last moments?" A voice from behind me asks, and I jump out of the chair, falling to the floor in the process. A large piece of broken glass stabs me in the stomach, and as my blood pools around  last thing I see before my vision fades to white is Bonnie looking at me, smirking.

     I open my eyes to find myself in a pure white landscape, broken only by a figure in front of me. As my eyes focus, the figure is revealed to be the same guy who handed me the flyer. "W-where am I? Who are you?" I ask, but to no response. A voice echoes inside my head, repeating one phrase. "You won't die" then the Man looks at me, and says one thing. "It's not your time yet, GET UP." Suddenly, a loud buzzing noise fills my ears, before I find myself back in the office, people are shouting things around me, but I can't discern what they're saying. I black out once more, and when I come to I'm in a hospital bed, and a medical monitor is beeping steadily next to me. I try to move, but a searing pain forces me back down. "Careful, you were severely injured. Your torso, limbs, and head had deep lacerations. It's a miracle you even survived, the damage you sustained should have been irreparable." A voice next to me says, and I feel myself fall back asleep.

One week later

*door opens and a doctor walks in* "good news sir, you can now head home. But first, do you have an insurance provider?" The doctor asks, and I begin to panic, realizing I don't. "Uhm, I am afraid not, I don't even have a cent to my name." I reply, and his expression turns grim. "Then I'm afraid your in debt." He tells me, and I nod sadly. "I understand." I tell him, and I realize my clothes were torn, so I can't use them anymore. "Uh, about my clothes?" I ask, and he hands me a guard uniform. "Your boss came in and told me to give this to you." He says, and hands it to me. I walk out of the room, and into a bathroom stall. I close the door, and change out of my hospital garb and into the guard uniform.

     I leave the hospital, and I walk to the convention to thank Vanessa for the uniform. When I walk in Bonnie greets me again, but I shove her out of the way as I  walk to the managers office. "HEY! WHAT WAS THAt for..." she pauses, having recognized me. "Hello night guard." She says with a grim tone. "Hello psycho" I reply, and continue to the managers office. I open the door, and Vanessa looks up at me, and smiles. "I see you received my gift, do you like it?" She asks, and I nod. "I came here to thank you for that, as a matter of fact." I tell her, and she smiles. "Also, I have something I need to tell you." I tell her, and she tilts her head in interest. "Go on."

     "I forgot to tell you I'm dirt poor, homeless, and now I'm in debt." I tell her, and Her eyes widen in surprise. "But you didn't look homeless when I met you." She says, and I sigh. "My parents kicked me out of the house, and not an hour later, I was falsely accused of breaking and entering. I spent 2 days in jail, getting arm broken on the last day. I was released, and I had nowhere to go." I explain, and she seems sadder by this. "I see, so you need somewhere to stay, is that correct?" She asks, and I nod. "Well, I mean you could stay in the break room, as long as you don't make too much of a mess." She says, and I smile. "That would be really kind of you, I guess I'm now in greater debt than I was five seconds ago." I say, and we both chuckle.

     "Although, there is one more problem." I say, and she raises an eyebrow. "What is it?" She asks, and I sigh. "You know how I got injured a week ago?" I ask, and she nods. "Well basically, I was checking the cameras, when Bonnie closed the doors causing me to drop the monitor, and then from behind me basically threatened me, so I jumped out of the chair in surprise, and got impaled by a piece of glass when I landed on the floor. The last thing I saw was her psychopathic grin looking down at me." I say, and I notice how pale her face is. "That's what's happening with all of the night guards?!" She shouts, and I nod. "I guess so?" I reply, and she rests her head on her hand and Shakes her head. "God, it's almost impossible to think the animatronics are murderers. I mean, they look so lively and happy during the day." She sighs, and looks up. "Don't worry, I'll have a chat with them." She says, and I thank her before leaving the office.

     "I heard you in there, I hope you aren't too attached to her, pervert." Bonnie says to my left, and I glare at her. "Is that really how you think of me? What gave you that impression?" I ask, and she laughs. "Oh, don't try to deny it. Every night guard who works here never has good intentions, why would you be any different?" She asks. "Because unlike most people that are reading this book, who are definitely perverts, I have some human decency." I tell her, and we both look at you. Yes YOU, don't think we don't know your there, even the author thinks your disgusting. If your reading this and your not a pervert, please disregard the previous statement. Anyway, I walk to the break room, which isn't that hard to find, recline in the couch, and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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