Chapstick Leprocons!!

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OK so I kno a few of us have been going through some SERIOUS stress lately. I just found out a dear friend of mine has Leukemia, another is sick, and another is not doing well emotionally. I think they can all take care of themselfs and that they are strong enought to over come the pain and stress in their lives right now, buuut just in case they need a little uplifting (and if anybody else needs it) here is a new poem CHAPSTICK LEPROCONS! enjoy my peeps!


Chapstick Leprocons!

By a raise of hands

Who needs a random poem?

Gluestick, alarm clock

Harry Potter, mud gloem

Just forget the world

Come on this journey with me

Lets look at a pretty flower


I was looking at a cloud

Then I took a shower

I like cold water

It always gives me power

Do any of you kno my name(s)?

Lets see if I can rhyme them


I'm gonna name my first daughter Lorrayna Korcyn :D

Anny waaay. There is Sam

Phillip, Mathius, Carl, Max

Patty, Sammi, PSYCHO, Samma-Lamma-Ding-Dong

I think thats all, so just relax

Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!

I make my own jewlery

It's 1030 pm here (when i wrote the poem)


I like skreamo music

But my realigion is Mormon

I really like night time

But my favorite time is Dawn

I think Imma go to bed

I'm crashing from my sugar high

So for now I will say

Goodnight, and goodbye! :)


There u go! did u smile!??!?! cuz i was SUPER hyper when i wrote it last night. lol i hope it made u smile for at least a second! lol writing is really stress reliveing for me.

love you all so much. have a good day, (or night....)

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