Chapter Six

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AFTER three hours of travelling they reached the Rancho de Lara in Cavinti. And Bella cannot help herself but feel a little huffy as she watched her mother and Lola Nerita hugging Theous full of glad, like he's their family. While she's standing beside them like an awkward visitor.

She cannot believed that the moment they reached the foyer the two women ran straight to Theous, telling him how much they're looking forward to see him, how much they missed him, when the real daughter and granddaughter was standing beside him.

"Wow! Seriously, I didn't come home for almost a month and no one of you missed me? I'm the family here," Bella voiced out while shaking her head in disbelief.

Tho she's not taking everything seriously, she's just acting like a jealous child. She knew how much her mother and grandmother missed Theous, he's their favorite since they're young. Because he talks maturely and understood the elders so well that's why he became the favorite of the ladies. He got a great charm.

She looked at Theous and he seemed so happy that he got all the attention. Then when their eyes met, Theous smirked at her, like when they were young, he always bragged about him being the favorite.

Bella just rolled her eyes at him before walking to her grandfather, who's smiling sweetly at her.

She pout as she hugged Don Luis. "Lolo, you're the only one who missed me. You love me more than Theous, right?" the old man laughed as he patted her hair while nodding his head. "Why you look more handsome today? Is that the result of aging a year?" she joked as she stared at Don Luis with giggle.

"I'm not sure if you're complementing me or not, but I'll take it as the former. And don't mind your mother and grandmother, they're just happy to see their future son-in-law," Don Luis said that made Bella shocked.

What the he— "Son-in-law?" She looked at her mother and grandmother with deep frown. While the two still busy talking to Theous.

"Yes, Theous. Isn't he your boyfriend?" Don Luis asked innocently that made her mouth fell in shock.

WHAT?!"BOYFRIEND?! THEOUS IS MY BOYFRIEND?!" she asked borderline shouting. Making the three who's busy hugging turned to them.

"Oh, he's not your boyfriend?" Don Luis asked really confused as he looked at the women of their family.

Now, Bella understood what's going on. It's her mother and grandmother's fault. They're cooking something.

Then she looked at Theous who's only reaction was serious while watching her. He's waiting of what she gonna say. What? he's not gonna deny it himself?

She sighed as she looked back to Don Luis. "No, Lolo, he's not boyfriend. And you know that among the brothers, Kuya Terence was my favorite, right?" she said that made everyone speechless. And she could feel the awkward energy roaming around them.

And even her heart felt against to what she just said.

When she turned to look back at Theous, he's face was now blank as he looked away.

While her mother and grandmother both sighed while shaking their heads.

"Oh, I remember now. You used to tail Terence a lot before. But I thought that you and Theous are dating because your Lola Nerita—"

"Luis, sweetheart, enough. Let's all go inside the house, the children just came here and probably too tired because of their long ride. Let's go to the dining and have you two enjoy some snack and tea." Doña Nerita walked to her and smiled lovingly, then kissed her on the cheek before she guided her inside the house.

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