Chapter Two - The Offer

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Seeing his beautiful dark eyes harden over as he scowled down at me, reminded me of why my friends couldn't know about my conflicted feelings towards Tom Riddle. Tom Riddle hated me and I hated him. Hate wasn't the only feeling I felt towards him, though, if only it was so simple. I liked him. A lot. I felt an unwanted attraction towards him, ever since I'd first seen him on platform nine and three quarters back in first year. Too bad he hated me, though.

Riddle had poor tolerance for anyone who wasn't of wizarding descent or anyone who wasn't entirely human.

My father was a pureblood wizard so I passed Riddle's first category, the second category, however, is where I failed. My mother was a magical creature - a veela to be exact.

The only things Tom Riddle and I had in common was that the Sorting Hat had placed us both in Slytherin, we were the best two students in the school and we were both Head Boy and Girl.

Deciding that I had left Riddle standing there, waiting for my response for long enough, I narrowed my large, blue eyes at him. "Why don't you watch where you're going, Riddle?" I snapped.

He raised an eyebrow, amusement splayed out across his pale, smooth, perfect features. "Is that all you've got, Mason?"

"I'm not in the mood, Riddle," I snarled in annoyance.

He pouted, pretending to tear up and sob into his hands, then he lowered his hands, his sexy smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Oh, Mason, I'm so disappointed."

"What do you want, Riddle?" I demanded, frustrated. Oh, how I longed to punch the pale skinned, dark haired boy standing opposite me, anything that would wipe that sexy, yet annoying smirk from his beautiful face.

His smirk grew wider, his eyes softened slightly as he lowered his head slightly, his fresh, minty breath washing over my face in a taunting manner, his thin lips slightly parted. "Three guesses," he murmured in a soft, alluring tone of voice.

Was he teasing me?

Gulping nervously, I prayed to anyone that may have been listening at that moment that Tom Riddle didn't know that I didn't just hate him, I also liked him. Pushing a strand of my long, silvery blond hair behind my ear, I made myself stare steadily into his dark eyes. "You have no one else to torment?"

Riddle smirked, crossing his arms over his chest, his smirk growing slightly wider, "Come now, Mason," he breathed softly. "You're not even close."

He was annoying me, but I did want to know what he had to say, after all, I did like him, he wasn't just a normal enemy, although I did have plenty of those. "You enjoy throwing insults at me."

Well it was true!

He raised an eyebrow cockily at me. "Close," I could have sworn that for a moment, just a moment I saw his dark eyes soften and a real, genuinely happy smile replaced his oh so famous smirk, but it quickly disappeared. "One more guess."

I fought down the blush that was threatening to spread across my cheeks at how close the proximity was between Riddle and myself. "You can't do your Head Boy duties tonight and want me to do them instead," I suggested blankly, knowing that this wasn't the case because Tom Riddle never asked me or anyone else to do his duties for him.

He scoffed, rolling his eyes, "As if, Mason. Can you name one time that I ever asked you or anyone else to do anything for me?"

"No," I admitted honestly, peering up at him from beneath lowered lashes before continuing awkwardly. "I just didn't know what else to say."

His smirk reappeared on his face, "You don't say?"

Rolling my eyes at him, I decided I didn't care what he wanted anymore. "Whatever," I muttered, attempting to push past him and find a secret passageway that could take me back down to the dungeons so I could drop off my bag and satisfy my stomach's need for food.

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