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"What are we even doing out here?" Scott asked, stumbling over a branch.

"We're looking for monsters." Stiles responded, shining the flashlight deeper into the woods.

"You're joking right? Monsters don't exist, in case you forgot." Scott responded exasperatedly, pulling the sleeves of his hoodie over his hands. 

It was actually Stiles' hoodie. They had been at his house when he had spawned his brilliant plan. It was meant to be a regular sleepover but Scott should've known that Stiles would come up with another masterplan to get them into trouble. The now Sheriff had warned them about getting in trouble before he had left to take care of an emergency call but of course, the boys didn't heed his warning. Stiles had practically dragged Scott off of the bed and out the front door.

"Listen, Scott. I heard it on my dad's radio. The animals are going crazy. Why would they go crazy if there wasn't a monster?" Stiles tried to explain his reasonings.

"Maybe because someone's hunting them, or because they feel like it, or literally any reason that doesn't involve monsters." Scott huffed, grabbing onto Stiles' arm when he tripped yet again. 

"You know, Scott, I'm supposed to be the clumsy one."

"Yeah, well you're also meant to be the smart one. You can't still believe in monsters at fourteen years of age." Scott countered, this time grabbing his friend before Stiles tripped. 

"Okay fine, maybe it's not a monster. But somethings going on and we're gonna find out what!" 

"Why? If it was on your dads radio then why not leave it to him?" Scott knew he was whining but it was cold and dark out and though he'd never admit it, the woods scared him at night. 

"I'm gonna be a detective when I grow up, Scott. That means I have to start detecting now."

"No it doesn't," Scott stopped, taking a puff of his inhaler before continuing. "It means you'll go to school when you're older to learn everything then."

Stiles looked back at his friend, slowing slightly to let him catch up before bounding ahead again. "Think about it. You wanna be a vet, and you're getting experience with Deaton. I wanna be a detective so I'm getting experience-"

"Of getting into trouble?" Scott raised his eyebrow, panting as Stiles lead them up a steep hill. He took another puff from his inhaler, leaning against a tree to steady his breathing. 

"How much further are we going?"

"We'll keep going until we find something."

"And what if there's nothing to find?"

Stiles spun on his heel. "Scotty! Seriously, there could be something big going on out here!" He put the hand that wasn't holding the flashlight on his hip.

"Fine, let's say there is. What're we gonna do about it?"

"We're gonna-" Stiles paused, glancing around before huffing. "Well, I don't know yet."

"Great plan." Scott responded, Stiles' sarcasm beginning to rub off on him after ten years.

"Will you just," Stiles gestured wildly. He rolled his eyes at Scott's lack of enthusiasm. 

Scott grimaced as he pushed off the tree and began to follow Stiles again. "You know, we could be in your bed playing video games right now. Your warm bed." Scott emphasised, his words punctuated by a shiver. 

Stiles involuntarily shivered also as the breeze passed over them. Unlike Scott, he hadn't stopped to think of bringing a jumper. He looked up to the dark sky just as thunder rolled above them. 

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