Elevator Drop

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"Yeah, I don't know," Erica said. "You don't know if you can fit?" I asked. "Oh, I can't fit. I just don't know if I want to," she said. "Are you claustrophobic?" Robin asked. "I don't have phobias," Erica said. "Ok, well, what's the problem?" Steve asked.

"The problem is, I still haven't heard what's in this for Erica," she said. I rolled my eyes, "free ice cream," Steve said, pulling his scooper from his pocket.

"I'm talking free ice cream for life," she said. I got up. "I've been giving you free ice cream and paying it with my own money, so yeah, you will do this for us," I hissed at her. She went pink, "okay, okay, I'll do it," she said.

Small time skip

"Erica, do you copy?" Robin asked through the walkie-talkie. "Mm-hmm, I copy," Erica said. "You nerds in position or what?" She asked. "Yeah, we're in position. It's all quiet here, so you've got the green light," Robin said.

"Green light, Roger that," she said, "Commence Operation Child Endangerment," she said as she climbed the ladder into the air duct, I rolled my eyes." Can we maybe not call it that?" I asked. "See you on the other side. Nerds" she said.

Another small time skip, cuz Steve is working two jobs to feed his 6 kids.

The door opened and Erica walked out. Everyone went to the stairs. I climbed over the ledge and climbed down, not a single scratch. We waited for the others.

"How di- How did you get down here so fast," Steve asked panting, "she climbed down from the roof," Erica said looking at her nails. "Yes I did," I said making finger guns at them.

We entered the room and Steve started tearing open boxes, Steve open a metal. "That definitely not Chinese food," he said looking at the glowing green tubes. "Uh, maybe you guys should, you know stand back," he said "No, If you die, I die," Dustin said.

Another time skip.

The room started shaking and tumbling. "Was that just me, or did the room move?" Dustin asked. "Booby traps," Erica whispered.

I lost focus, they started arguing about the door. I turned to see the door was gone instead a red wall stood. The room seemed to drop. I caught Robin and we intertwined fingers as the room dropped.

I held Robin close as we dropped. "We're going down, we're going down," Steve screamed. "Yeah, no shit Harrington," Robin yelled. Dustin started pressing the buttons. The room stopped moving.

Robin fell back our hands breaking apart. I fell forward my head knocking against one of the boxes and sliding to the corner, boxed toppling over me.

"Is everyone okay?" Robin asked holding her head. "Yeah, I'm great, now that I know that Russian can't design elevators!" Steve shouted. "Guys, I don't think we're all okay," Erica said pointing at my hand that was visible.

Steve and Dustin rushed and pushed the boxes off me. Robin helped me up, I brought my hand to my forehead, blood was on my hand from my forehead. "I'm fine it's fine," I said, taking my apron if and pressing it against my forehead.

A few hours later

I was sitting next to Robin, the kids were sleeping, surprisingly Steve was asleep as well. "Robin, this is going to sound really weird but, do you like anyone at the moment?" I whispered to her. She shook her head. "Oh, yeah, I didn't really, you know what never mind," I mumbled, leaning my back against the wall.

A few more hours later

Robin went to try and fix the buttons, and Dustin and Steve climbed out to the top of the elevator. "I heard Y/N and Robin talking after you fell asleep," I heard Dustin say. "I couldn't really make out were talking about," He said. "We were talking about how we could get out," I called out, lying.

"What are you doing?" I heard Dustin ask Steve. Soon the sound of running water filled the room. "Can you redirect your stream please?" Robin call to Steve. I turned around to see that the grey wall had darkened in a spot

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