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"I've got an idea." 

Scott looked up from the sandbox he was currently playing in. Looming over him was his best friend who he had known for a year now. Mischief was clear on his friends moled face, as it usually was.

Scott placed his spade down in the sand, knowing Stiles would want his full attention. When he and Stiles had started school they had tried to claim the sandbox as their own, seeing as they had met in one only a year ago. (Of course they couldn't actually claim a sandbox at a public school but they really had tried. It ended with a kid called Jackson shoving sand in their faces.) Stiles, who was standing over him, was bouncing in place at the thought of his newest scheme.

"Will it get us in trouble?" Scott asked, the five year old already weary of Stiles' ideas.

"Only if we get caught, which we won't."

Scott raised an eyebrow sceptically, but Stiles had said it with such confidence and vigour that Scott knew he'd give in eventually. Still, he refused to give in without a little resistance, or at least without knowing what the idea actually was. 

"What's the idea?" 

Stiles perked up knowing Scott was willing to indulge. His honey brown eyes glanced quickly over the playground as he knelt next to his friend. Once he was sure the coast was clear of teachers, he leaned in so none of their classmates would overhear. 

"You see that bush over there?" He gestured in the general direction of the hedging surrounding the yard. His hands were shaking as though the excitement was trying to expel itself from his body. "We should hide there when the bell goes, that way when everyone's gone we'll have the whole place to ourselves!" 

Scott furrowed his eyebrows as he processed the plan then shook his head in confusion. "Why do we want the whole place to ourselves? I don't mind sharing."

Stiles immediately huffed and rolled his eyes, not understanding why Scott wasn't grasping the absolute genius behind his idea.

"Think about it. You can either share with sticky Jackson or we can play all by ourselves and not have to do our spellings!"

"But spelling is important." Scott mumbled weakly. He had to admit having the whole playground to themselves did sound nice. That way he could play with Stiles normally and not worry about people laughing at his inhaler. 

Stiles tutted, jumping back onto his feet and shuffling around, his body in constant motion. "Spelling is boring, Scotty. And most of those words are useless too! Why would we need to spell when we can just sound things out?" He hyperactive boy tried to reason. 

He could see it on Scott's face now, he was close to giving in. The cogs were turning under his floppy hair. Then Scott made the same mistake he made every time; he looked into Stiles' eyes. Stiles couldn't quite pull off the puppy dog look the same way Scott could but he was getting pretty good at it. 

His eyes were so full of hope and excitement that Scott had to sigh. 

"Fine! But we can't get caught or my dad will be super mad." Scott gave Stiles a pointed look and stood up, dusting some sand off his pants and hands. 

Stiles didn't even respond with words, instead he grabbed Scott's hand and dragged him over to the hedges. He glanced around frantically, desperate for his plan to work now that Scott was apart of it. He could get over it if a teacher found him before the bell rang but now he felt that he couldn't let the other boy down. 

Stiles located a small opening into the bushes and pulled back the leaves. He had found the gap on his first exploration of the yard, knowing it would come in handy for a future scheme. He gently shoved Scott forward and followed him in. 

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