Rain's love

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After all I went through to be with Arianee for the first time, and knowing she was what witches called an Old Soul, I knew she would come back again.  And I would never let anything harm her.  About ten years after her death I found her again.  She was six, and walking to school with her mother.  I just knew it was her.  She was so tiny, jumping into recently pooled puddles.  She wore a pink rain coat and tall rain boots that looked a little too big.  Her mother held an umbrella over them, though it only sprinkled.

Her mother sighed at her.  "You are going to get all wet, Abrianna. Please stop jumping in the puddles, honey." She pulled on the girl's hand gently as she went to jump into another small puddle.

Abrianna? What a fitting name, I thought, as I followed them silently.  She was certainly a noble soul. She looked much like she had in her two previous lives.  She was beautiful.

"Mommy, want to hear about my Vampire dream from last night?" Abrianna asked her mother, jumping to miss a puddle so her mother wouldn't get mad at her.

I could tell by her mother's face that this was not something she wanted to hear. "Go for it, darling," her mother said tightly.

"Well, last night I was old again, like fifteen or something.  But this time I was in a pretty dress. And there were horses.  And everyone called me Mary Ann, but I knew that wasn't my real name, because I am Abrianna, but I let them call me that any way.  And then my boyfriend comes up and it was the same guy from the other dream, but he was the one I wasn't going to marry. He was the other one.  And we talked about my sister and Vampires."

They were almost to the school now and I was deeply surprised.  Abrianna remembered her past lives. Through dreams.   I was amazed. Had this ever happened before?  Would she still remember when she was older?  Did her mother know what this meant?

"Remeber what I said about those dreams, Ab?" her mother asked, slowly.

"That they aren't real and I shouldn't tell anyone but you about them!" Abrianna whispered excitedly. "It is a mommy and Ab secret!"

"That is right!" her mother said, her smile still tight.  "Now get to class, sugar!"  She stuck her cheeck out and her daughter kissed it.  "I love you, Ab."

"I love you, too, mommy!" Abrianna said as she rushed inside.

I watched her for years after that, eleven to be exact.  I saw her get into fights with her friends, develop crushes on boys, get acne and beg her mother to let her stay home from school.  I watched as she matured, as she aged, as she forgot about me.

I wasn't sure she forgot, but as time went on, she metioned her dreams less and less to her mother.  Maybe she got old enough to see the worry.  Maybe she stopped having dreams. I didn't know.

Now, she was seventeen.  I had been her protector all these years, following to make sure she and her friends were safe, nothing ever happened where they really needed me there, but today, they were whispering plans to sneak out at night and get into some club downtown, with their fake IDs.  I could tell they were nervous.  I was sure they would get caught and not get into the club, which relaxed me as I followed them as they snuck out in their skimpy outfits.

I shook my head at their outfits.  They walked to the club, tripping over thie highheels and laughing.  Abrianna had a set of very beautiful friends, and they were all determined to get into the club, and, of course, with eleven years of good luck on my side, my luck switched and he let them in with barely a glance at thier IDs.

So I came out of my protective hiding and produced my own ID. He let me in after looking over my ID for a moment.  I knew I was good looking enough to get in.

I scanned the place for the girls and saw them by the bar, ordering thier drinks already.  Abrianna had only ordered a soda and so had one of her other friends.  I was glad they were at least taking somewhat of a smart approach to this stupid plan.  I guess they didn't realize how easy they were to pick off, even with two sober friends trying to look out for them.  Even the sobor friends couldn't put up much of a fight if two guys cornered her on the dance floor by the back exit.

I shook my head.  That wouldn't happen.  Every guy in here had his eyes wander their way at least once already. Someone would notice them being cornered, hopefully they stayed together and I wouldn't have to be distracted.

They stayed together and went to the bathroom in groups, and they girls who drank alcohol didn't get as drunk as I expected them to.  I began to make a sigh of releif when a group of guys asked to share their table.  Abrianna smiled and said they could.  I moved closer as they began to talk, keeping my back to the group.

I listened for Abrianna's voice. "I'm Abrianna, and this is Libby, Alice, Tori, and Belissa."

"Matt, Damian, Chale, Caleb, and I am Duke," said one of the boys. I didn't look back for free of Abrianna seeing me, and remembering who I was.

"Nice to meet you all," Abrianna said as they made thierselves comfortable in the booth with the girls.

I gritt my teeth together wishing the girls to go back to Abrianna's house.

"So how old are you?" Duke asked, quieter, so I knew he was only talking to one person. And if I guessed right, it was MY one person. I mentaly slapped myself for assuming she would want me.

"Twenty-one," Abrianna's lying voice called out. I amlost couldn't stand not going over there and telling him they were all minors. Maybe I could catch him going to the bathroom or something. I had a bad feeling about them, but I don't think they were bad people.

I listened as they talked and laughed and I got more worried.

Abrianna yawned.  "Well girls, I think we should head back before..." she trailed off, remembering she was suppose to be a twenty one year old college student living in the dorms. "Morning," she covvered, laughing.  Her friends laughed with her. It was getting pretty early. Her parents would certainly wake up in two hours.

"Maybe," Duke started, "you could head over to my place instead." My hands turned into fists, not sure how to handle this.

Abrianna gave a nervous chuckle.  "I'm not that kind of girl.  Sorry to ruin your night."

Duke laughed. "It isn't a big deal, besides, I had fun.  Maybe you'll come back sometime soon?"

Abrianna agreed she would and the girls left.  I let them get ahead a little before I started to go outside, but before I did, I looked over at Duke, who was already hitting on another girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2013 ⏰

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