Chapter One

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"How was your night?" Hannah asked her roommate, Lisa, as she put down a plate of toast and bacon in front of her.
"Beautiful as always," Lisa said through a tired smile, "two girls and a boy, all healthy." Hannah smiled at her friend. She admired Lisas work as a midwife and her dedication too. Lisa would work double shifts, night shifts and get little to no sleep for days, but she never complained. She was just happy for all the lives she helped in to the world.
"What are you doing today?" Lisa asked, while she picked a piece of bacon apart.
"I'm going out to a home session, actually," Hannah sighed, "in Manchester Estates"
"Isn't that like, a gated community or something?"
"It is," Hannah took one of the bacon bits from Lisas plate and put it in her mouth, "Some rich lady is hosting a "yoga event"," she made a posh accent as she pronounced the last part. Lisa laughed, "she said that?"
Hannah nodded and said "I hate those type of sessions, none of them is actually interested in doing any yoga, they're just competing on who is the bendiest and drinking mimosas or whatever."
Lisa laughed again, "well, if it puts money in the bank."
"I guess." Hannah said, while preshing her fingers against her temples.

While driving to Manchester Estates, Hannah was in a better mood. She had convinced herself, that the big tip rich people usually gave her, was worth the trouble of dealing with a bunch of snobs for a couple of hours. And maybe she would gain some new clients for the studio too. It wasn't that far of a drive down to Manchester Estates, and by the time Hannah reached the gate, she was humming along to the soft music from the radio, drumming on the steering wheel with her index fingers. She drove up besides the gates telephone entry system. Before she pushed the button, she reached into her purse and pulled out a little brown notebook. She found the page with the clients information and proceeded to push the telephones button.
"Hello, and welcome to Manchester Estates, how can I help you?" a dark, smooth male voice asked through the speaker.
"Hi! I'm Hannah Andersen, I'm a yoga instructor," she was unsure of how much she needed to tell this guy, "I'm here for Mrs. Carrie Stonewall, 19742 Westchester Drive."
There was a pause in which Hannah felt wierdly judged, then the voice said "Oh, yes, Mrs. Stonewall informed me that she was hosting today," there was that word again. Hosting. "Al right, go ahead miss," the voice said and Hannah watched the gate open, "Have a nice day."
"You too," Hannah said to the speaker, "and thanks."

It seemed like the whole community was Westchester Drive. It also seemed like people who lived here, didn't wanted to be found. She couldn't find a single house number.
"You would think that there would be room to put on a stupid house number on those outrageously huge mansions," Hannah mumbled to herself, "but no, we think it's more fun for you peasents to guess which of these castles goes with which champagne drinking smart ass," She answered her own question with the same posh accent she had used earlier. She stretched her neck, to spot a house number or a middle aged woman in tights, but when she didn't see neither, she pulled over and turned off the radio. She found the page with Mrs. Stonewall's information and dialed her number. No answer. She tried again. Still no answer.
"God damn it." Hannah said, as she got out of the car and slammed the door behind her. She walked out to the middle of the road and she just stood their, looking at the houses as if one of them was going to tell her it's house number.
"Just fucking tell me already!" She begged. None of them would share their secret. Hannah scratched her neck and tried to call Mrs. Stonewall again. The sound of her voicemail almost throw Hannah into a fit, and the first thought that crossed her mind was to curse loudly, but she was cut off by male voice behind her. 
"You look lost." She could hear the amusement in his voice. How long had this guy been watching her? Akwardly she turned around to face the embarrassment, but instead she almost dropped her jaw right there on the road. The man who had just witnessed her talking to houses, was no other than Eminem. He was just standing there on the sidewalk, looking at her, with a little smirk. Hannah didn't know what to do.
"Are you lost?" He asked her, walking over to her. As he came closer, Hannahs brain started working again.
"Yes, erhm," her voice was shaking a little, "I'm looking for 19742 Westchester Drive. I'm supposed to teach Carrie Stonewall and her friends some yoga," Hannah glanced at her phone, "in 10 minutes!" She looked defeated. She didn't want to be late.
"Carrie's my neighbor," he smiled. Hannah had to make a double take on his face. She had never seen him smile, so him doing that made him look completely unfamiliar. He noticed her strange stare and stopped smiling. There was an akward silence, as they were standing across from each other. A car drove up and forced them to move.
"I live next to Carrie, I can take you there," He said touching the ends of the strings from his grey hoodie, "if you want me to?"
Hannah smiled softly, trying to ease herself. She nodded, "That's very nice of you, thank you."
They started walking. Hannah didn't know what to do. What do you even say to a legend like that, she thought.
"I'm Marshall by the way." He said. She could tell from the look on his face, that he was trying to figure out if she already knew.
"I'm Hannah," she said, "nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too," Marshall said and he sounded genuine, "So you're a yoga instructor. What is that like?"
"It's great. I'm kinda just doing my hobby all day," she paused for a bit, deciding whether or not to continue where her thoughts had taken her, "I bet you know what that feels like."
He chuckled, obviously relieved that the elephant in the room had been addressed.
"Yeah, I'm somewhat familiar with the concept," a soft smile formed on his lips, "it is truly a blessing, doing what you love."
She smiled at him, letting him know that she agreed. She thought about where one might go from here. Should she tell him that she was a fan? That she knew the lyrics to most of his songs and that she had been dying of anticipation a couple of years back, when the whole hip hop community was holding their breath, waiting for him to drop the MGK diss track? That she had a T-shirt with his face on it. Or should she play it cool and not talk about it.
"I love what you do," she decided that now wasn't the time for pretending, "I'm a huge fan."
"Thank you," she tried to read his expression, "I bet you're a great instructor."
She laughed. Of his comment, but also of the way she was over thinking everything right now. She relaxed her shoulders and took a mouthful of the sweet summer air.
"I get why you live here, it's beautiful."
"You should see it in winter, when everything's covered in snow," he looked across the street from them and pointed at one of the houses, "that one right there and the one next to it compete every Christmas," he put his hands in the air and made a gesture with both hands, as if he was reading a headline, "who will have the most Christmas lights this year, and who will pay for the electricity bill?" She laughed, and he continued, "I know I'm not," he said giggling.
"Definetly not me either," she said half laughing, " I couldn't even afford a dog house in this place."
He laughed, seemingly surprised by her statement.

They were both smiling, when he stopped in front of the biggest house Hannah had ever seen in her life.
"This is me," he nodded his head in the direction of the giant house, and then in the direction of the house next door "and that's the Stonewall's."
"Right," she said, she had almost forgotten why she was there in the first place, "Thank you."
They both stood there, Hannah didn't really know what to do, when a tall guy in a black suit walked towards them coming from Marshalls driveway.
"Is there a problem, Marshall?" The guy asked and looked suspiciously at Hannah.
"Not at all Vic," Marshall said, "this is Hannah, she's gonna teach Carrie Stonewall how to bend over."
Vic looked purplexed, so Hannah showed him the yoga mat, hanging over her shoulder.
"Oh, like that," Vic said. A chuckle left his mouth and he immediately put his face back in serious order.
Marshall laughed, "Relax bro," he padded him on his shoulder and Vic smiled and walked back towards the house.
"Security," Marshall said and shrug his shoulders.
Hannah pounded her lips, "Fancy."
He pounded his lips too, "Necessary."
They laughed again. Hannah checked the time on her phone. She was a couple of minutes late.
"I better get in there. Those ladies are probably dying to know some breathing techniques," she said jokingly.
"Oh yeah," he picked up on it right away, "it's critical that you teach them how to breath through their noses, so they can drink mimosas simontainsly."
"Not on good foot with your neighbors?"
"The Stonewall's?," His mouth formed af gentle smile, "We're fine, we're just very different people."
Hannah smiled back, "Thanks again for showing me."
"Don't mention it," he seemed as though he didn't know what to do either.
She suddenly realized that she had no idea about what he was up to, when they first met, "I hope it wasn't to much trouble."
"Not at all, I was just out jogging a bit."
"I guess this is it then."
"Guess so."
Their eyes locked for just a couple of seconds. Hannah blushed and looked down at her phone. Now she was really late, "Shit, I gotta go."
"Al right," his gaze wandered from his feet to her eyes and down to his feet again.
Hannah felt almost paralysed. What do I do, she thought, I can't hug him can I? A handshake would be so weird. In her desperation, she ended up waving at him like a three year old.
With a stupid smile on her face she said "See you around." And then she started walking towards the Stonewall's residence.
"Later, Hannah." He said from behind her.

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