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I walked along the long corridor, allowing my eyes to drift around the area. I could see people chatting, working out, playing on there phones or just loitering; unable to relax as they await to be called to another task. I realised as time past I had spent so long looking around, taking in the view I completely lost track of what I was supposed to be doing and looked rather lost. "You needing any help love?" I turned around to see a skinny male with a girl with black hair "sorry? Yes please. I need to find where 20 squad are based. I'm the new addition to the team." My nerves were apparently clear in my voice as the girl stepped closer to me "hey, I'm Kris. Don't be nervous. Your not the only girl, you'll be joining me. I'm 20 squad." I felt slightly more calm knowing I wasn't the only girl on the team, that is always a daunting experience. "Hey I'm Becca." I smiled slightly seeing the man standing awkwardly during the exchange between me and Kris. "This is Jim street, I'm Kris alonso, does the new girl have a last name?" She was sweet, kind but not overbearing and trying to know everything instantly. "Yeah sorry. It's Rebecca Luca." I watched as they looked between each other and back to me, they had to know him. Nerves rose as I realised they knew my big brother, god knows what they knew about me, about why I'm not here. The thought hit me like a ton of bricks, was he okay? I didn't even know if my brother was still alive. Nobody was able to reach me for years, I just did my own thing. I didn't allow them to have a connection with me, nobody did; well nobody except my ex partner. Apparently I was easier to read than I hoped as Kris took another step towards me "he's okay, your brother I mean. He's told me about you but I don't think he's spoken to the other guys. He still has the last photo of you two together in his wallet." My heart clenched as I remembered that last day so fondly, I didn't know it was my last day at the time, but my ex's business took us away fast to new places. I had gotten use to disconnecting and chose not to think about my family. I didn't anticipate it being this difficult, that a simple thing like a photograph in my big brothers wallet would make me so sad... I had missed out on so much and as much as Luca is and always has been an incredibly forgiving person, I wasn't sure if he would be able to forgive me for upping and leaving so quickly. I never even said goodbye. "Oh, I'm glad he's okay... sorry what was the way again? I just don't want to be late. Not on my first day." I could tell that Kris understood, she understood how family is family but how it is also so difficult sometimes and causes many different emotions to be stirred at the most unexpected times. I was relieved about that, she nodded discretely to me before her and street lead the way to the break area where everyone was, my eyes scanned the room seeing the man talking about baseball seemingly content, well he was until his eyes laid on me. I watched and stood quietly as Luca looked away than back a few times, looking puzzled like if he turned away and blinked I'd disappear again. I suddenly felt eyes burn on me, I know how rare it is for Dominic Luca to fall silent, the fact he had so abruptly was bound to bring shock to people around him. "Hi." I felt like I was back in school again, introducing myself around a circle passing a teddy bear around. I studied his face for any sign of emotion, I knew I had pushed him and our family away but the thought of being here and my brother being angry at me hurt. Actually it killed me as much as I hated to admit that. "You must be Becca? Hi! Welcome to 20squad. I'm hondo, team leader. I'm glad you found your way around here, it can be a bit of a maze to newbies!" I smiled a little as my eyes scanned around the room, staying still a little too long on an older man with grey hair and a cross on a silver chain around his neck. I turned around quickly, as a cough left my throat. "Urgh Kris can you show me to the locker rooms so I can dump my bag?" I shifted my weight slightly as my brother stood awkwardly "yeah come on you"

Kris put her hand on my shoulder to bring me back to reality, I moved out of the room heading in the direction Kris did; inside of the room I grabbed the locker next to Kris as I freshened myself up, braiding my hair tightly to keep it out of my face. "I seen the look you two shared." I knew who she was talking about but I decided I'd bite, I didn't really have anything to lose at this particular moment in time and well; I needed some lighthearted humour today. "I don't know what you mean?" A smile played softly on my face for the first time in what felt like years as I continued to tidy my hair "David Deacon Kay. I haven't seen him look at w women like that since..." Kris stopped herself sighing, being saved by the knock of the door. "Decent!" I shouted just as Luca opened the door, I knew he'd be around; he wouldn't sit in awkwardness with me. At least I hope he wouldn't, he never used to be able to hold his stubborn streak for too long when it came to me; his little sister who once was his best friend. "Can we talk Rebecca?" I watched as Kris left the room as quickly as we entered, I knew I couldn't avoid him so I sat down on the bench. I felt like a child all over again, awaiting to be scolded for taking too many sweets. "I'm sorry." I was truly, I was sorry I left so abruptly, I was sorry that I cut ties and how it looked as though it was an easy decision for me. He looked at me with eyes that I could read, I always could. His eyes seemed to be burning a hole into me, saying one simple word; continue. I knew my brother, he moved closer, not even moving when I laid my head on his shoulder the way I did when we were kids. "Luca, I'm not ready to talk about reasoning yet. But please no I love you, I never stopped loving you, pops, mum or dad. I didn't know what I was allowing myself to fall into, but I can't not take responsibility. I could have probably came home sooner but I wasn't sure how to Dominic, I didn't know how pops would feel me returning after leaving. So I didn't, but I worked hard, I trained and I became an officer in SWAT." I suddenly felt lighter having gotten all that off of my chest, I wasn't sure how he would react however I hoped he would still be the patient man that he used to be. "I'm not asking you to talk about it, I understand if you need to take your time Rebecca. I want you to be happy above anything else, so just know you can talk to me when your ready. As for pops, well I think he'll be very happy to have you home; I know I am. I'm proud of you being a swat officer and now I will get to be proud to serve alongside you." I don't know why but I suddenly felt like a kid again, yet not in a bad way. I felt safe, loved and home already. So I did what I'd always do when my emotions were overly present, I hugged my brother like it was the only thing keeping me alive. I wasn't sure where the future was heading but for the first time in a long time, I was truly excited. I was excited to have my brother back and be with my family, excited to have a new beginning but oddly enough I was also strangely excited to get to know David. I had butterflies in my stomach as I thought about that look, I was certainly intrigued.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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