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"Do you wanna build a snowman?" Gina and I sang quietly, attempting to wake up Kourtney. "Do you wanna build a snowman?"

"Free the werewolves, it's not their fault. Blame it on the moon." Kourtney said while still asleep.

"Good morning, Elsa." Gina and I say once again before Kourtney bolt awakes. We all scream and cheer while hugging.

Once we were all ready, we went outside to the cast list and looked at the names.

"Wait! You're Anna?" Kourtney asked Gina.

"Yes, I am!" Gina replied.

"Then that makes us sisters!" They both scream again.

"Wow! I didn't know your voices could even reach that register."

"Plug your ears, I'm about to join them." Carlos says, looking at the list. "I can't believe I'm playing..."

"Olaf! Congrats, bro." Ricky smiles at him. "And I'm Kristoff. That's..."

"A person. Congratulations on being an actual species, Ricky. What? First Lumiere and now Olaf. Am I destined to play an inanimate object for eternity?"

"Make way for Belle. Make way for..." Ashlyn smiled as I rolled my eyes. She walks to the casting list. "The ensemble?"

My mouth dropped open as I turned around, smiling a bit.

"I mean, hey, the ensemble. You can't do a show without the ensemble. There are no small parts, only small actors, right? Don't count your lines,  make the lines count." Ashlyn says as I nod.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Motivation is always the answer." I say as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"All right, all right, everyone calm down. Let's just be professionals." EJ tells everyone, walking over to us.

"Professionally, mazel tov." Ashlyn laughs. "Especially EJ. Personally, I will be backlogging photos of him in antlers for all future possible blackmail purposes."

"What are you talkin' about?"

"Your good friend Val cast you as Sven, the reindeer?" I tell him.

"No, no. I'm not in the show. I'm directing in the show."

"Check the list. Looks like you'll be joining the ranks of character actor-directors." Carlos adds.

"Like Greta Gerwig." Gina smiles.

"No, this has to be a mistake." EJ sighs.

"I'm just wondering if this is a final list?" Carlos questions as I see Maddox walk out from the barn.

"Reindeers don't direct. I've never seen a reindeer direct." EJ whispers.

"Quiet your voices!" Maddox yelled, causing everyone to be quiet.

"Mornin', stage manager. You got everything ready?" EJ asks.

"Sure do, Rocket Man. It's Newbie Initiation Campout Night, folks. A night in the woods among the wildlife. And spirits. Pack your tents. Oh, and rest your vocal cords. You'll be screaming tonight." Maddox smiles at us. "Oh, and by the way, Carlos, we have cameras in the stage manager's office. But nice try recasting the show."

I look at him with my eyebrows raised. "Seriously?" I ask him as he shrugged.


"It's the most wonderful time of the year." Maddox smiled. "Not Christmas, not Tax Day... Newbie Night! You guys are gonna have so much fun. Once we reach the camping spot, we start by setting up the tents. Then we gather around the campfire for a little sing-along experience, followed by the world-famous retelling of... Am I talking' to myself? Talking' to myself."

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