Czechoslovakia gosh darn it

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I don't know why I have a fascination with this historical country in particular. But I do. It literally split apart and there was not really any hard feelings. It was literally called the "Velvet Divorce".

Marker bled through from a drawing on the back so I just decided to paint the background black

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Marker bled through from a drawing on the back so I just decided to paint the background black. Not as bad as I thought it would be.
It's the Czech lion + a ram (for Slovakia even though they have no national animal, I made it up since shepherds/ the shepherd's flute are symbols and shepherds herd sheep. [also rams look cool])

Also see the image at the top, made that a while ago and I am still amused by it. By the way I like flags.

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I know I am writing too much for an art book but let me tell you a little story

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I know I am writing too much for an art book but let me tell you a little story. If you are willing to read it.

There was a time, long ago, not really, when I ran up to the big map that was hang up on living room wall and looked to the continent of Europe. I remember feeling kinda disappointed and confused when I didn't see the country of Czechoslovakia. Then I realized I just had a big dumb moment. I forgot that it's been not nonexistent since before I was born.

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