Part 1: Gathering the Council

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Chapter 1

The veil of golden light lifted around her and in its midst she saw the throne of the fae. The throne stood in the center of the grand hall, which most of the time was full of life and warmth. But in this vision, there was not a soul around and no light shining through the window panes, even though she had the distinct feeling that it was the middle of the day.

A faceless figure approached from the darkness at the end of the hall, placing the fae crown on their head and sitting on the throne. The walls of the room shook as if the world itself had erupted. Fissures ran up the walls as the ceiling fell into jagged chunks of rubble that collided with the castle around it. The windows shattered, letting in a crimson light that sent a shiver down her spine. The decrepit castle was in shambles surrounded by that foreboding red light.


Olta awoke from the vision and turned to watch the sun rising through her window. For the first time in a long while the realm of the fae is threatened... and from within. I need to speak to the queen. She pulled off the covers and crossed the room to her dresser. She picked up her hair brush and ran it through her hair, combing it behind her elongated ears. The mirror showed her a reflection that didn't seem familiar. The silver streaks in her blonde hair were getting more prominent, adding a distinguished quality to her appearance. The fresh wrinkles outlined her face in a way that added a regal elegance to her features. Her vibrant green eyes carried a touch of youth that accepted herself as she was but still yearned for days long gone. Of friends long gone.

She headed out through the halls of the castle. I wonder if the queen is up and about yet. She might be in the library... She spends so much of her time there these days. Olta opened the door to the library and found the queen hovering over a bowl filled with the waters of irilesa. "My queen, I have something to discuss with you. I've had a vision."

"Ah, oracle..." she didn't look up from the magical waters that allowed her to peer in on Earth. "I was just checking in on my family. My grandson is now 26. He has a child of his own." The Queen wore a turquoise gown with a silver circlet in her white hair.

"Emma. This is a vision of a terrible kind. It shows the end of our world."

The queen circled her frail finger through the waters and turned her attention to the oracle. "Olta what's wrong? What has the vision shown you?"

"I saw a man taking over the throne. He placed your crown upon his head. I couldn't see him clearly, but I knew he was of the fae. As you know, a fae sitting on the throne would break the sacred pact we made with your earthly ancestors and unravel the spell that this world was born from."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that this world would fall apart-it would wither away until it was no more and the realm of the fae would cease to exist. Whoever this man is, we must not let him take the throne. It would be disastrous for all of the fae."

Emma stood up from her chair and grabbed her cane. She made her way across the room. "Then we must act quickly. What needs to be done?"

"We need to bring in the others and find this throne seeker as soon as possible. I will begin the work immediately."

The queen placed a hand on Olta's shoulder. "I know we will prevail, my friend."

"We must prevail.... Our very existence is being threatened."

Chapter 2

The wind swirled through the trees of the forest as Ferra reached into a basket, plucked a grape from the vine and popped it into her mouth. She was lying on the blanket with her lover, the castle just out of reach behind them. She was enthralled by the book she was reading. She pushed her grey curly hair, which reached just below her ear, away from her face and turned the page. I'm overjoyed that he was able to find a copy of this book. What better gift for our anniversary... She looked up and saw Jolken staring back at her while propped up on one arm. Her green eyes lingered in his as a smile grew across her face. He was handsome with his shoulder length silver hair highlighted against his dark skin, and as always, he was shirtless. "There's that dumbfounded look again."

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