trip to the CDC

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I'm sitting in the truck with daryl and Lillian I look down in my bag spotting the twin daggers before I can get them out dale honks the horn telling us to stop once we stop I get out with Lillian who immediately runs to carl as he gets out with his mom and dad carol and Sophia are there too I smile as I watch carl hug Lillian "I think someone has a crush" I say watching the two while walking to the others with daryl who has his arm around me "yeah I think you're right but I don't know if I'm ready to let my little girl go" daryl says smiling as carl puts a flower behind Lillian's ear "I don't think any dad would be ready to let their daughters go but we have to let her make her own choices and make her own mistakes just like we did" I say leaning against him "I hate when you're right" he says as we stop by the others "can't we jury rig it" rick asks dale "that's pretty much all it is" dale says after a while we fix the RV and as his dying wish we leave jim behind

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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