23. Dream again

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The next day at work,

I got it again, I got the dream again. But it was so different this time, my heart ached, it felt like I was dying. I mean that's what I saw. I saw someone in the dream, lying down. Her robes were coloured scarlet instead of white. Even the clothes she'd worn were so different. It looked like a hanbok. I saw something else too. A guy, he was crying really badly looking at her. Im getting goosebumps just remembering how he was weeping. It looked like he'd lost his world. I couldn't see who it was. I couldn't see his face. Why is this happening with me all of a sudden ? I couldn't talk about these dreams with Rang yesterday.

Yesterday was surely a day to remember. Who knew it would turn out like this with Rang. He may not look like it but it seems that he has his own share of bad memories that he holds onto. Something must have scarred him so badly that he's the person he is today. I couldn't say much yesterday but I cant take this anymore. My head splits after dreaming that. I need to talk to him. I need to meet him.

I was lost in my thoughts when I bump into Jae hwan.
''Ah, mianhe Jae hwan-a ! Jinjja mian. I wasn't looking.'' I start apologizing immediately.
''Aniya, gwenchanayo. Its good we found you here. Do hwa was eating me up with his questioning about you.'' I look at everyone around me, Ji ah, Sae rom, Do hwa, Tae suk-ssi. Where were they all going like a gang ?

''Where are you guys going ?''
''For lunch. Have you had your meal yet ?'' Ji ah asked.
''Then lets go together.'' Sae rom proposed. I agreed and I started walking with them. I had barely taken two step when Do hwa asks me,
''Where were you yesterday ? I called you so many times.''
''I had somethings up. Why'd you call ? Everything good ?''
''Guys stop ! Stop !''
Do hwa was interrupted by Tae suk-ssi.
''Here comes the president of our network.'' He said walking towards a man walking in our direction.

Aha, indeed its president-nim.

Aha, indeed its president-nim

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''Its been a while.'' He said.
Tae suk-ssi shaked hands with him and the president then shook each of our hands greeting us.

''Has the job been fun ?''
''We work for paychecks, not for fun.'' Ji ah said. Well said. For some reason I always feel like the president doesn't like me. He always treats me invisible even when my team has been making the TRP sky rocket. Im not jealous of anybody but just stating the unfair treatment. Well I never liked him either. The feeling is mutual.

Author's POV

Yeon walks down the subway crashing into a man singing a drunk song when he stops listening to Yeon.

''You're the old totem aren't you ?'' Yeon said stopping the mans steps. He is the same drunk man who tried to help Ji ah not get onto the bus that got into an accident on Yeou Gogae a few days back. He isn't a human being, but a totem.
''I am, but I have work to do....'' The man said trying to escape his way but yeon gets a hold of him.
''You should know better than to show your back on me.'' Yeon warned him.
''I heard you're the totem of Yeou Gogae. Im looking for some people, have you seen them before ?'' Yeon said showing him Ji ah's parents photograph.
''I don't know.''

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