Adoption day

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Its adoption day, the day I get made fun of most and the day I get rejected. I put on my black veil brides shirt, ripped black skinny jeans and my black knee high converse. I sit in the corner of my room listening to heart of fire until one of the adoption workers walks into my room, "Chloe put on some nice clothes and come downstairs someone by the name Jeremy Ferguson is here to adopt someone in 5 minutes!" "I am wearing nice clothes." I retorted. Jeremy Ferguson? Where had I heard that name before? I walk downstairs behind her. I wait in the adoption center with 4 other girls, all prep glaring at me until one says " You know you should consider going back upstairs in your little cave because your going to get rejected again." "Yeah no wonder your parents killed themselves." Another girl spat. I ignore them trying not to cry because it was true.  I hear the bell to alert someone was here, I don't look up and put my headphones on and listen to a Jordan sweeto cover of kids in the dark. I feel someone tap my shoulder I look up HOLY SHIT ITS JINXX DO NOT FANGIRL! I take off my headphones as he says "I'm here to adopt you if that's okay, I couldn't help but notice your shirt. " He says with a smile, I look at my shirt remembering I put on my black veil brides shirt. "Its more than okay." I say almost crying.

This is a dream come true, jinxx wants to adopt a fuck up like me I can't believe this.
15 minutes later jinxx told me to pack up my things and head outside to go. So I ran upstairs and packed my clothes,posters,music and makeup and next to my bare bed were my blades. I looked at them for a long time and put then in my makeup bag and left my empty room. I ran downstairs and walked to the door, turned around then flipped everyone off and left the hell hole FOREVER.

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