All is well

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"O Bells of San blas in vainYe call back the past again;The past is deaf to your prayer!Out of the shadows of nightThe world rolls into light;It is daybreak everywhere

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"O Bells of San blas in vain
Ye call back the past again;
The past is deaf to your prayer!
Out of the shadows of night
The world rolls into light;
It is daybreak everywhere."✨

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Life can be utterly unfair sometimes; it can shatter us into pieces, often to an extent from where no escape can be spotted. There the rope of hope and thrust of trust turn up, with a serene rescue. Sometimes apologising doesn't make you inferior, rather it helps out to save a bond way more superior to us. Hesitation, petrification, confusion--these are the parts of life you can never skip, but one kick off with a little "sorry" can make things better in many ways. Bend a little to let your bond stand strong.❤️

°Now back to the story°

Till now, Mikku was in Jammu and none of the members of RK team knew about it.... She was out of reach for all of them.. Basically avoided them.

On the other hand, the rage against Sumedh was spreading wildly all over internet.. taking over mass of the positivity and spirit of the fandom.

In short both of them were busy battling the inner turmoils along with the external odds. They both wished for each other's happiness and went away, but eventually it left both of them battered and agonized. She was burning in guilt feel for not letting her own ones know anything of the perilous circumstances she's stuck into, whereas Sumedh is on a guilt tour for not responding to her worries and letting her go off! They both were right yet felt guilty of themselves and were just a "sorry" away. A little communication could fix it there only, which never happened.

Mikku was told by one of her friends about it and she immediately logged into her fan account to see what all these banter was about.... Mikku had shut her insta account temporarily and did not want to open it anytime soon as she knew that all of her friends at RK will start bombarding at her.....

Coming back, She saw the mess that had been created around Sumedh... She was shocked to see how the fans changed faces within fraction of seconds... It was sad to see HER HERO in such a situation... She wanted to be there with him cause she knew, that how much ever strong he is to the outside world, He is as innocent and vulnerable inside....

She forgot all her pain once his smiling face came in her mind... The line that she had dedicated to him saying "YEH CHOTI SI MUSKAAN HEE UNN LAAKHO LOGO KI JAAN HOGI" came to her memory... Now it was her chance to contribute to his MUSKAAN..... She being a fan of him even before his friend, was very disheartened to see her fellow people who called themselves as SUMEDHIANS yet were spreading negativity without bothering of his mental peace.... So she gave straight forward answers to all those masked traitors, criticizing her HERO, thereby spreading malevolence at its peak........ She did the best that she could do... She gathered some of her sumedhian friends who were editors and asked them to make some wonderful edits for him which could help him regain his positivity... She sent all these edits to him through her life saviour Saloni.....

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