Carry Her Home

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Elizabeth could hear the most beautiful piano forte playing from the other room. Leaving her aunt and uncle behind, she followed the sweet melody as if in a trance. As she neared the room, she noticed the door was ajar so peaked inside so she did not disturb. There, she saw a young lady sitting at the piano. Her head bobbed in time with the music she played and Lizzie couldn't help but smile as she watched.

Then, she saw him. He moved slowly to the girl playing the piano, and even though she couldn't see his face, she knew by the way he stood, the colour of his dark hair, the set of his shoulders that it was Mr Darcy. Her breath caught as she witnessed a very private moment. The girl stopped playing abruptly and flung her arms around Mr Darcy's neck, a big happy grin on her face.

As Mr Darcy spun the young lady around, his laughter filling the air, Elizabeth gasped at the slight of his warm smile. How it changed him. He no longer looked like the hard cold man she had come to know, now he looked so welcoming, so peaceful and happy.

He set her back down, and smiled down at her. This must surely be his sister that he had Mentioned, Georgiana. She looked as beautiful as she had imagined. Elizabeth hadn't realised she was leaning forward against the door, but when the door creaked under her weight and their eyes flashed to her she felt the colour instantly rise up her neck and rest on her face. With a gasp, she turned to run away, hoping to escape the humiliation of being confronted by Mr Darcy at her having witnessed such a private moment.

Her shoes echoed in the grand rooms as she ran to the exit, fleeing down the steps at the back of the house. There was no mistaking his grand voice as he called after her. "Miss Elizabeth!"

She paused, catching her breath at the edge of the balcony which overlooked some trees and miles of land that came with the Pemberley Estate. Spinning around, she watched as he walked to her calmly, his hair and coat blowing in the soft breeze. He didn't look angry like she suspected he would have, but he didn't look as happy to see her as he did his sister either.

Nibbling her bottom lip nervously, she stayed where she was, her feet unable to move as she waited to hear what he wanted to say.

Finally he reached her, but he kept a respectable distance. They didn't want a repeat of what had happened last time they were alone and this close to each other. Although the heated argument probably did stir some emotion in them both, causing them to act irrationally. Still, she didn't trust herself around him.

She nervously played with her fingers, looking between them and him as she waited for him to say something... anything!

But when he didn't, she decided she would have to be the one to start the conversation. Although she now didn't think he was quite now out of arrogance, but more out of shyness and nerves.

"I thought you were in London." She stated, still shocked at seeing him and just blurting out what was on her mind.

He shook his head slowly, his gaze so heavy and striking as he looked at her, it was filled with so much emotion. "No. No I'm not."

"No..." She replied back, and found herself feeling completely lost in his gaze. Struggling to fill the silence that hung in the air, she blurted out. "We would not have come-"

While he said "No I came back a day early, some business with-." He fiddled with his coat pocket, trying to fill his empty hands to stop them from pulling her to him.

Their eyes met once more and Elizabeth was instantly transported back to when he had proposed to her a few weeks prior. The sad look he gave her now was almost identical. But now she found herself not feeling anger towards him anymore, in fact she felt an appreciation towards him to surprised her. She also couldn't forget that kiss, she didn't think she ever would. The heat, the passion, she was sure it would fill her mind at least once a day for the rest of her existence.

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