Chapter 6

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it was around 7am when she woke up, great. 5 hours sleep.

She walked downstairs to find Ed and Lorraine already awake. "Morning sweetheart" "morning" they both spoke before Marina even got her morning out a young girl came trudging in rubbing her eyes.

"mommy, daddy!" "Hi baby, how was you're stay with nanny?"Lorraine asked Judy "It was fun, we play bored games..daddy who's that?" She asked clinging to her mom

"That's Marina, she helped us with our job but it was too late to go home so let her stay"Ed said as Judy jumped of her moms lap "hi Marina! I'm Judy, wanna be friends?" Judy asked sweetly

Marina bent down to Judys hight before replying "why of course I would love to be friends with you" Ed and Lorraine smiled at the Interaction and knew Marina was something special in their life.

"Right Jude's hurry and get ready you're school bus will be here in 5" Lorraine spoke taking the empty bowl off her and watched as Judy ran off to her room

"Juds, bus is here" Ed yelled

"Okay sweetheart, have a good day. We love you loads" Lorraine spoke soothing her in kissing on her head before Judy slipped out and ran towards her school bus waving

"Guess it's time for us to go" said ed

They all piled in the car, ed took Marina to the door section so she could get ready and meet them at the teaching rooms

"Bye marina, see you soon" they said driving off

Suddenly Marina remember she never told her roommate she would be out all night and is probably freaking out "shit"

She ran towards her room to find the door open and sees her roommate crying with a police officer "shit shit shit shit shit" "MARINA OH MY GOD, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I CALLED THE POLICE AND EVERYTHING" her roommate rambled

"Woah calm down I'm here, alive. I stayed at the warrens cause it was too late to walk home alone, officer I'm So sorry" Marina spoke panicked

"No trouble miss, just try tell someone where you're going next time so this doesn't happen" the officer relied showing himself out "of course"

Her roommate shut the door and hugged Marina like his life depended on it

"I'm going to bed, I got no sleep" he replied walking off "wait, I'm going to watch Ed and Lorraines I'll be back in a hour? Maybe we can order take out?" Marina asked trying to bribe him and take away her gilt.

"Yeah sure, bye Mar" he replied "bye.."

She quickly got ready before racing off towards the room ed and Lorraine gave her, nobody was there but Drew, so she said hi and sat on the front row corner

The class piled in pretty quickly, followed by ed and Lorraine who searched for her in the crowd, locking eyes and smiling towards the young girl

Marina felt like she found home, her parents were never the best but Ed and Lorraine gave her a sense of comfort and peace

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