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Wendy had just moved into a quiet little town. She didn't quite expect much honestly, she's been moving towns for her whole life practically. She was unable to make many friends, because ever since Abigail went missing, all she's done is mourn. As she set down the final box in her room she let out a sigh of relief. She didn't want to go to school the day after she first moved in, but every reason why she should is stacked against her. She gently laid down in her bed and looked up at her blank ceiling. 

"Almost as blank as my mind..." She said to herself, turning off her headlamp and just laying in her bed, looking at the pitch black ceiling. Without a word she gently sighed and quietly shut her eyes, rolling over to her side and finally getting to sleep.


Webber had been living in town for a month or two, he lost track. Nobody really cared for him, but nobody really bullied him either, he was just.. there. He always thinks about the people he encounters, and doubts himself whenever he thinks he did something wrong. Let's not forget that everyone think that's he's a lunatic for being happy all the time. Even through all that, he keeps on smiling and talks to everyone as if they were his friend. 

Webber walked out of his bathroom, his sharp teeth now white and shiny from brushing. "Good night mom! I'm going to bed!" He would call out to his mother, shutting off the bathroom light and laying down in his bed. He was both excited, and nervous for what might come tomorrow, as it was the first day of school tomorrow. He let out a nervous sigh, turning off his light and shutting his eyes.

~(The next early morning..)~


As he carefully opened his eyes he noticed something was off.. his room was too dark. Way too dark for comfort.. he tried to get up, but his body remained still, while his eyes wandered. He panicked as he saw a figure in the corner... a tall dark shadow with a beak. It slowly approached Webber as he panicked more and more. It got closer and closer until...

Webber jolted his body from his bed, letting out a little yelp as he could feel his fuzzy body, and even fuzzier head, sweating profusely. He quickly scanned around to find no sign of any monsters, and he let out a small little sob. He laid back down and cried for a little bit, releasing his fright into his pillow.

After a small moment of sobbing into his pillow, he carefully sat up and looked at his clock. 5:30 AM. School started at 7:30, but he decided to get up anyways and get ready for school. He turned on his lamp and slid out of his bed, waltzing over to his bathroom in order to brush his teeth and shower his soft fur. He gave himself one more look over before smiling bright and heading downstairs to make his breakfast.

He ate a nice warm serving of eggs with ice cream, even though his mother warned against it. He cleaned up the kitchen and checked his phone. 6:15. He sighed a little bit and decided to put on a thin jacket and head out for school.


Wendy slowly opened her eyes and let out another sigh. She turned on her headlamp and rubbed her eyes a little bit, picking up Abigail's flower that she had set on the headboard, and remembering. She remembered all the fun times she had with her.. those frolics in the flowers, scary movies, and sleepovers.. too bad that's all gone now. She set back the flower and wiped her tears away, getting up to get herself ready for the day.

After leaving the bathroom she tied up her hair, and finally decided to check the time. It was 5:50 AM, and school started at 7:30. She decided that she would be early, as there was nothing better to do with a house full of moving boxes. She made breakfast, which was just cold cereal with a side of depression, and put on a jacket. She made sure to grab her phone before leaving, and decided it was fine to leave at 6:30, so she opened her front door and went out in the early winter breeze.

Webber x Wendy: An alternate universe!Where stories live. Discover now