Blurred: Chapter 7

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I sighed, throwing my purple suitcase in the trunk of my mother's car. I would really miss this place, and my friends.  

But I would also be happy starting a new life. I would have my own house, my own car, and a new state to blend in with. I would be escaping all of my horrid past. I would leave behind a truckload of sob stories. My parents, my old friends. 

And Robert, a voice in my head reminded me.  

I shook my head, trying to get him out of my mind. I swore that I would never think of him again, and those horrible things he did to me. I would absolutely not have my heart broken again, and if that happened I would be no more.  

Jessica bit her lip beside me, giving me a sympathetic look. Christine sniffled behind me, blubbering about how much she would miss me. Patricia patted my shoulder. 

I smiled sweetly at all of them, giving each one a personal hug. "Oh, call me and text me, and email me, and IM me, and write me . . . "Christine sobbed from behind me.  

I smiled dryly, looking at the willow tree that was still caressing the top of the orphanage. I said a few more goodbyes to my friends, and then slid into the silver Scion.  

The drive to Seattle was intoxicating. There were a lot of antique and vintage shops. Most of the stores were connected side by side and had a little bundle of leaves in front of the door. 

That's right, it was already autumn. School was supposed to start in a week, and yes, I had enrolled. Now that I was going with a more casual look rather than a scene look, I would most likely fit in. Eh, maybe. I'll most likely go with the flow.  

I smiled wryly, following the directions to my new house. That I bought with my parent's money. 

The money had been our savings for emergencies, and you see, my parents stay very loyal. That explains the ridiculously large amount of money. 

"What The Hell" came on the radio, and I mouthed the words to it. Today would be a good day. I heard my old best friend, Vanessa, had moved here, too. I hoped she would be going to the same school. 

I took a right to a nice - looking neighborhood with one - story houses. Most of them were white with short, concrete driveways. Some of the trashcans were knocked over, and there was a neighborhood pool. The green grass shone as I counted down the houses to number 13. How ironic.  

Coming to house number 13, which had a moving van in the driveway (which was un - cool because it was blocking my freaking parking space), I parked in front of the house, feeling like a total idiot. I locked the car, jogging up to the dark - wood front door with a clear glass mosaic. The walkway was a pretty, winding sidewalk.  

The white stone walls of the house complimented the front door and matching roof. There was an appropriate amount of windows. A giant oak tree stood out to the upper front yard. The luscious, green backyard led to creepy - looking woods that really didn't make me feel safe. 

I pulled open the door, fiddling with my long purple sleeves. The moving men were inside, setting the last pieces of furniture down. "Thank you," I murmured, which I highly doubted that they heard.  

"Anything for the pretty lady," the burliest one of four said, tipping his hat at me. I turned a delicate pink in response.  

"We'll set the furniture around for you. Where do you want it?" The same one said. I opened my mouth, instructing them on where to put everything I wanted.

I bit my lip to keep from smiling.

The movers were sweating like pigs, looking at me in bewilderment. Now we had the whole house done the way I wanted it. The TV in the head of the leaving room with the red couch in front of it, the kitchen a neat platinum series of appliances, my bedroom all purple and my CDs splayed out on my desk, my new walk - in closet stuffed with clothes. There was an extra room - I'd make that the guest room.  

"It's okay, I'll handle it from here," I said, giving them an innocent look. They nodded, marching out of the house and driving out.

I flopped down on the couch in the living room. I pressed the on button to the TV about a thousand times before I realized I had to plug in the DirecTV plug. I did that red - faced.  

I was getting extremely bored with the TV, when, thankfully, the doorbell rang. I jumped up, fixing my black hair. I really wanted my red hair back, it was pretty. But I had to stay like this.  

I opened the door to reveal a familiar - looking brunette. Her brown eyes were pointed down, and she had a slight blush on her face.


"Um, hi, I'm your neighbor, Vanessa. I . . . Okay! I was practicing my cartwheels outside and when I was doing a triple cartwheel, I guess I rolled into your front yard and kind of knocked over your trash can, and my mom made me come here to apologize. . . Wait! That's not what I mean! I would have come over myself but my mom scolded me, and . . ."

I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow. "Shut up, Nessa. You're talking a book again."

Her head snapped up at the sound of my voice, and her face lit up "Haley!" She squealed, giving me a tackling hug. I hugged her back, laughing as she played with my hair. "I'm sorry I didn't make it to the funeral . . ." She whispered, rubbing my back. I sighed. "It's okay. I just moved in not even an hour ago, and you already did something. C'mon, let's go see the damage I know you caused," I smirked. She shook her head, smiling. "I picked it up already. WHAT!" She yelled, flapping her arms around. I laughed. "Are you going to the local school?" I blurted. I always talked before I thought. She nodded. "Guess who's the bully," She sang, flicking my nose. I rolled my eyes. "I can't believe it starts Monday!" She squealed, jumping.

What? Today was Saturday!

"We're going shopping," I said, grabbing my keys off of the rack next to the door. 


Bleurgh! There's so much drama in my life. It's so hard being a girl. Oh well! 

Anyway! Sorry for the long wait, I used up the internet by watching my favorite Japanese anime show, Rosario + Vampire. It's so good, I love Moka and Tusukne. They're so cute. If you want to watch it, it's on YouTube. The guy who posts the best is Sasuke8454. But he can't upload Capu2 (Season 2) because of stupid copyright reasons. 

So I've been thinking about this. I'll start an advice thing. If you have a problem, you can message or comment about it, whatever makes you comfortable. I'll do my best to give you my lovely advice. 

And . . . NEW BOOK! No. More like a trash book. I'll be posting poems, prologues, and story ideas on there so it won't mess up my My Works section. If you want the next chapter, I want 3 voted and 5 comments! Sorry, I procrastinated and I didn't do chapter 9 because I have to read Chinese Cinderella and answer dumb questions about it. My favorite song is E.T by Katy Perry ft. Kanye West. I got a dirty mind, I have filthy ways, I be so far u-u-u-u-u-up man I don't give a ****. Welcome do the danger zone, step into the fantasy, you and I are welcomed to the other side of sanity . . . .

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