Sass go brrrrrrrrrrr

362 16 22

T/W: sassy Grian, chaos, mentions/talk of death in the author's note

POV: Grian *turns on hermit gang, puts on headphones, turns up volume* let do this. 

We get hundreds of strange looks as our rather rag-tag group, an Englishmen in a three pice suit with a mustache, a Swede with a green shirt and brown vest plus a cyborg eye, an American with blond hair and red eyes, an other Brit with full body armor, a third Brit with a red sweater and grey pants, a boy with wolf ears, a German who appears to be a cyborg/creeper hybrid in a lad coat, a second Brit in full body armor, a girl with aviator goggles on her head, two boys with knight armor, one with a flaming sword, a second American with a battle axe, one who appears to have a white beard at 16, the biggest smile and eyes you've ever seen, what may just be the sleepiest, most relaxed man to ever come back from a battle, a blue slime hybrid, a boy with white hair and ninja garb, a boy with a black headband covering all his hair, as if about to rob a bank, the most battle worn poet you've ever seen, a friendly zombie with bright orange hair, a girl with a flower crown and a dangerous expression, a boy with a white shirt, black tie, and black hair, another kid with a beard, this time brown, one boy, also with a white beard, but wearing a wizard hat and robe, and notably, no pants, an android on a stretcher, and a Brit with a brown coat on a second stretcher. They either looked very cool, or very underwhelming. And knowing our luck, probably the latter.

We stand in front of the town hall, not sure what to do. Fortunately, a rather frazzled man with glasses falling of his nose and white hair comes running out the double doors of the quartz building. He looks around, finally settling on TFC as he looks the oldest.

"Who are you and your... friends? Grandchildren? Siblings? And what are you doing at the Crossing?!" The man demanded in a rather loud voice, probably stressed. "Actually, I'm the leader here." Xisuma says, drawing attention to himself. He looks uncomfortable, but blunders on. "We've been traveling for a week from a portal that got us away from the Admin HQ when it was attacked. These two" at this he jesters at Zed and NPG "were injured- well Zed is. NPG's a robot, but something broke so he's effectively injured, and... um..." Xisuma trails off, not knowing what to say. So i but in. "We just fought off an entire army of watchers. We are injured, hungry, tired, dirty, and on a quest to save your sorry buts, so show us where we can get medical attention, sleep and food, and we won't show you why a group of 16 year olds were sent to save the world." 

And with that, i storm past the- now rather red in the face- man and into the town hall to get directions to the hospital and an inn, fallowed by the rest of the hermits.


After finally getting what we needed, we just about took over a hotel. We had shown the paper with our instructions on it to the mayor guy, Fredric Frenchfries, and he got us all set up. So, after seeing that Zed was safe and not going to die, we all fell fast asleep.


The next morning was filled with loud chaos. Impulse had found the hotel's coffee stash, and was so hyper that he was literally bouncing off the walls. No seriously, he was doing parkour in the hallway. Tango was currently using magic to give himself little devil-esk horns, tail and wings, which he was using to try and capture a 'rogue Impulse' as he put it. Hels and Wels were switching armor to try and confuses everyone, while forgetting that you can see their faces. Xanthus had decided to go practice his flying, accidentally scaring the inn keeper. Xisuma was trying to stop the madness while Mumbo played chess with Hypno and TFC and Stress tried new cookie recipes. Meanwhile, I had been dared by a pre-occupied Mumbo to steal all the doors in the inn, and Scar had found a panda exhibit. For some reason there were pandas in the inn garden. We still do not know why. Cub had created a game he named 'Total Chaos', inspired by the current chaos. The game involved pumpkins, arrows and fireworks. Tango, momentarily distracted from his Impulse search, had dubbed it 'Cub's Rocket Production And Pumpkin Dooms Day Device.'

All in all, a wonderful morning!

"SHUT UP!" Bdubs finally yelled, after being woken up a couple hundred too many times. Surprisingly, everyone shut up. Except a certain caffeinated Impulse who exclaimed at the top of his lungs "BUT PARKORING IS FUN!!!"  To which Bdubs responded with "YOU WILL SPEAK WHEN SPOKEN TOO!!!" 

After a moment of silence, Xisuma takes control once again. 

"Ok. We need to talk to Alex Birbsong, go to the original dimensions, find these star fragments, somehow put them together, find the house where they all lived, and not die. We can do this!" He said. It was so uninspiring that we all, every single person in the room, started laughing, and silently vowed to not fail just to show Xisuma he was a great leader. Or at least, that's what I did. 


After apologizing furiously to the inn keeper, we ask where we can find Alex Birbsong. Turns out they live just a few streets away. The 20... something of us walk up to the door. Xisuma hesitates to knock, so Xanthus does it instead. 

I hear footsteps and the door opens a crack. In the opening I can see light brown hair, a single green eye, brown skin, and a plain blue shirt. "I'm not buying anything, I'm already subscribed to the newspaper and I don't intend on a religion. If you are here for some other reason, please inform me as to what it is." Again Xisuma hesitates, so i step in again.

 "I'm Grian and these are my friends. You may know us as 'those kids who caused a ruckus yesterday', or 'that group of 16 year olds who threatened the mayor', or even 'those awesome high school students who are currently saving the world', although let's face it, no one is calling us that last one, even if it's what we're doing. Anyway, are you Alex Birbsong?" The person behind the door nods, saying "yes, I am them. And to what do I owe this honor?" They said in a sarcastic voice. "Well, we need information, and the Admins sent us to you to get it. We need to know where to find the fragments of the Birth Brothers' star." After hearing my statement, Alex opens the door, revealing another green eye, before beckoning us inside.  

1150 words. Cliffhanger lol >:). Any way, some more sassy Grian, chaos, and some funny moments from various seasons. Also, *takes huge breath* 1.8K YALL! 

But on a more serious note, TFC died irl and I don't know what to do. Should I:

A. Keep him in the story

B. Have him somehow be not able to go on the rest of the quest(EG. Injury, capture, opts out for some reason)

C. Remove him from the story and forget the plot holes that leaves/edit the previous chapters so that he isn't in them

D. An idea u give me.

 Until make up my mind on what to do, I'm going with option A. 

Well, on that rather sad note, goodbye for now, and good unspecified time of day or night!

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