The new baby

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Rhysand was very clingy to Luna. 

He cried every time someone took him from her arms. Mira was growing slightly annoyed that her own child refused to be held by her and instead craved his guardian. 

It's just the bond, he'll grow out of it.

Delmira assured herself as Luna reentered the room to take the screaming Rhys from her arms. Like magic, he silenced, giggling and holding onto Dolunay. 

As Mira left she heard Luna speak to her son, "You know little mischief, if you keep turning away your mother like that, you are going to hurt her feelings... So troublesome you are, I blame your relation to Orion... He was my best friend, your ancestor. He was a hero."

Rhysand snuggled into Luna as he was lulled to sleep by her stories. Placing him gently in his crib Luna left the room once again to finish some paperwork. 

The baby had learned how to pull on the bond when he wanted attention and it made focusing extremely difficult. 

Rhys wanted Luna's attention 100% of the time and his parents were growing extremely frustrated with their baby's need for his Guardian. 

Crius had begun following Luna around, fighting desperately for the attention that was missing. His heart still broke every time he reached for the bond to call on her out of habit. 

He was having a very hard time adjusting to the change. 

The High Lord entered his son's room, staring down at the sleeping child. 

A wave of anger he had never felt before took over as he looked at the tattoo on Rhysand's arm. The mark that once rested on his forearm. Crius felt the empty hum where his bond with Luna used to be.

He took his heir into his arms, a scowl forming on his face. 

As if possessed, he walked the sleeping babe out of the room. 

Down the stairs of the library deep into the darkness Crius took his son. The air became heavy as he placed the baby as the bottom of the stairs in the pitch black. 

"A little snack for you, Briaxis." Crius cooed as he made his way back up the stairs. 

From the darkness, the High Lord of night emerged alone. A content smile on his face as he made his was back up the thousands of stairs.

As he was about to open the door, a chill shot down his spin. Cold anger wrippled through the air around him, an fury that did not belong to some measly fae, but a goddess.

Just as he reentered the house of winds, there on the couch sat Dolunay with Rhysand in her arms. 

"You know... the funniest thing happened...." An anger Crius had never before seen directed at him filled the tone of his ex-guardian. 


"Don't. Speak..."

Crius silenced himself as the weight of her anger bogged down the air in the room. 

"Now this is the only time I am going to say this... try to harm Rhysand again and I will show you no mercy. My reason for being, is to protect this boy, I will not fail my mission due to sentiment. So do not expect me to treat you differently from any other threat." Luna spat as she pulled the still sleeping heir closer. 

"Mama I-"

"You. are. a. High. Lord... A grown ass man. I promised i will always be there for you, and I will. By my priority, until the day he has a child of his own, will be Rhysand. So you can be jealous. You can be hurt. Be angry. But don't be a threat..." 

Tears of frustration and hurt lined Crius' eyes as he endured the harsh gaze of his mother figure. Unable to take it anymore he muttered an apology and walked off to find his mate. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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