𝓢econd Missing Kid.

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    𝓕eeling someone shaking my body, I slowly start to wake up from my slumber.

Sitting up, I see Robin standing right beside his bed looking down at me.

"Hey, you were knocked out! That nap was definitely needed. But, it's getting late. My uncle and I will take you home." Robin say's, already holding my backpack for me.

Nodding, I begin to get ready to leave.

Putting my shoes on, Robin and I start to make our way outside.

It was raining! It was raining pretty hard.

Getting inside the car, I buckle in my seatbelt. Smiling softly, looking out the window.


Making it back home, I start to make my way out the car. Robin following after me.

Running quickly towards the front door, I ring the doorbell. My clothes, getting soaked.

Finn then opens the door, looking panicked.

Noticing Robin, Finns expression changes to calming.

"Hey Finn. I just came here to drop Y/N off." Robin say's, fist bumping Finn.

"Hey man. Ya, thanks. Y/N, you should get inside before you get even more soaked!" Finn say's, looking at me.

Nodding, I walk inside.

"Bye, Robin!" I wave goodbye. Robin waves back.

"Bye N/N!" Robin say's, walking away.

Shutting the door, Finn looks at me with worry and panic.

"Y/N, you need to hurry and go take a shower. Dad's almost coming home," Finn say's, worried for me.

Realizing, I nod.

"Oh yes, you're right." I say, starting to make my way to my room.

Hearing a door open, my body tenses up. Freezing.

'Dad's home.'

Too scared to turn around, I continue to stay still. Already feeling his presence right behind me.

"Y/N...." Dad sighs, angrily.

"Why are your clothes soaking wet." The hairs on my neck start to lift up. Feeling chills all over my body.

Slowly turning around, I say

"I....went to go check up on my....my....bike....?" I say, mentally facepalming myself when I stumbled on my words.

Without no second thought, dad starts to unbuckle his belt.

Immediately, Finn tugs onto dad's shirt tightly.

"DAD, STOP! GWEN IS SLEEPING! YOU'LL WAKE HER UP!" Finn screams, trying to reason with dad. My breath hitches.

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