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Author's Note:

I had the guts to update. For youuuuuuu!


One: Along We Ran

15 year-old Elsa ran with 16 year-old Hiccup along the forest, chasing each other with their heart's content.

"Hold on!" Hiccup wheezed. He stopped and held his knees, panting. "H-hold up!"

Elsa stopped and whirled around. "Hiccup? Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah... I guess." He was still panting.

Elsa walked over to him. "Are you sure?"

He nodded and sat on the snow.

She sat beside him. "Are you hot?"

He nooded slowly.

"Here." Elsa made a ball of snow in her hands and threw it in the air, making it snow lightly.

Hiccup kissed her cheek and rested his head on Elsa's laps. "Amazing."

She stroked his messy auburn hair and began to sing. (Song coming up!!! I made it myself, but haha, don't wory you can come up with a tune for yourself.)

We ran along
Along the forest
Along the forest we ran

The blue birds chirped
The birds chirped a song
Of those kids who ran along

Along the green and live forest
Along the beautiful, serene forest

"The prettiest voice I have ever heard." Hiccup muttered.

Elsa set his head on the soft snow and crawled beside him. She kissed his forehead and lied beside him.

"Y'know, Elsa." Hiccup turned to face Elsa. "If I wanna love you, I'm gonna love you the right way." Hiccup sat up.

"Hiccup, what are you talking about?" Elsa gave a confused look and sat up.

"I'm going to dump Astrid." He stood up and began walking.

"What? Hiccup, if you love her, you can love her." Elsa blocked his way. "I was the one that came into your life. Astrid was the first to be yours. Please, dump me instead."

Hiccup brushed past Elsa. "No, Elsa. I love you more than I love her."

Elsa turned around. "Fine, have it that way."

Hiccup hopped on Toothless.

"I'll dump you instead." Elsa sighed.

Hiccup looked at her and sighed too.

"Before anything gets worse." Elsa looked down.

He sighed and hopped off Toothless.

Elsa ran to him and kissed him. After five seconds, she pulled away. "I have to go... I'm sorry, Hiccup... I might not get to see you again..." Elsa began running and running until she reached the wall. She turned around and looked at the wall again.

She sighed. "Goodbye, Hiccup."

She heard a thump and turned around.

"Elsa..." Hiccup sighed. "Do you really want this?"

Elsa nodded the word 'yes' but in her mind she shook the word 'no.'

"Please, Elsa."

"Hiccup, I'll never even get to have a happy ending with you. No matter what happens, I'll be sealed up in my frozen doom. And who knows, maybe Astrid or my parents find out." Elsa crashed on the ground. "I'm sorry, Hiccup. But, I can't..."

"But, Elsa, please--"

"I just can't!"

Snow began to fall from the heavens.

"Go. Now." Elsa pointed to the sky. "Before I lose control."

"I'm not going anywhere!" He yelled.

"Go!" She stood up and shoved him to Toothless.

He got away from her grasp. "No!"

Elsa felt a boiling sensation in her and spun around, crying her heart out with a scream. Ice splashed everywhere.

Elsa heard Hiccup grunt and she turned around.

He was on the floor, grasping his chest.

Toothless hurried to him and helped him up.

Elsa gasped and yelled, "Hiccup!"

The temperature became cold. There was a blizzard. Elsa started to panick. She turned left and ran. Along the forest she ran. She ran and ran and ran until she reached the town.

There, she stood. Wide-eyed as the people looked around in fear and shock of what was happening.

It was snowing in July.

Elsa started to pant and she ran along. Ice started to form on the floor as she stepped on the floor.

Everyone gasped.

She stopped at the town's center, being marked by a statue of King Agdar, the father of Elsa. She whirled around and put her hands in front of her to stop the people from going closer to her. She found an opening and ran through it. She ended up in the bay of the fjord.

She stepped on the fjord and ran to the middle. She sat on the frozen fjord and began sobbing.

"It's the ice witch!" She heard some people yell.

She felt something cold touch her and she turned around.

There, was a frozen figure of the boy named Hiccup.

Elsa slid out of the frozen figure's arms. Tears welled her eyes and down her cheeks. She screamed in sadness and pain for the other half of her heart... is gone.

She looked up and sighed. She felt anger towards herself. She made an icicle with her powers and gripped it tightly. "I just wish it never ended like this." She cupped the frozen boy's cheeks. "I would never get to stroke your hair and I would never get to feel those lips on mine... more than that... I'd never get to feel your warm love."

She gave one last word. "Goodbye."

And then the icicle was buried deep in her stomach. She gasped in pain and fell backwards. She smiled and tears fell from her eyes. Her eyelids felt heavy and covered her sight.

And there they were.

The one frozen and the other impaled.

The End.

Author's Note:



Meh, it doesn't matter what I thinks. What matter's is what YOU think. So... leave a vote, follow, or comment, ot don't. But hope ya lime it ba-bye!

-Naieeeeeee<3 aka MimiiiiiiiiatheGreat

Hiccelsa One Shots: Young Love EditionWhere stories live. Discover now