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The night wasn't dark and gloomy and no, the night sky wasn't carrying a premonition. It was a beautiful moonlit night with the sound of the waves giving the lovers a feeling of home.
She was a beauty, with hair the color of the sun and eyes as blue as the sky. She was tall and slender, and dressed like a royal, anyone could tell she came from money and power. He held her hand in his and she gasped. They obviously didn't want anyone seeing them together.

"I don't get why we have to stay hidden, I am willing to risk it all for you Jen." He finally said when they were alone.

"Well I am not. My father would have a fit if he found out." The young man stared out at the ocean and his shoulder dropped.

"I love you, darling but we can never be together openly. Be patient, soon we will be happy." She went on avoiding his eyes.

He opened his mouth to say something but went quiet as some locals walked past them.

"Isn't that a sharif, seating with the Land-thieves." He heard one of them say in their native language, they shook their heads in disgust.

"If we went public we'd have to deal with all these. The scrutiny, is that what you want?" He huffed angrily as she went on speaking. "No one needs to know, they already hate you for simply just sitting next to me. You can never let them know darling."

She was much older than him and that was a problem on its own.

"My father will..."

"Your father won't be able to save you from the people. You may be Nobles and loved by the people but they hate my people even more. I don't blame them, I read the history, my people were ruthless and killed so many people. They destroyed so many lives. " She went quiet for a moment as he ran his fingers through his hair. "You have to keep this a secret between us, until my father sends me back to the city."

They had a plan. She'd travel to the city and he'd follow. They'd get married and never return to the coast. There they could be anything they wanted. His father had two sons, there will be an heir to carry the Amin family name, his father didn't need him. His brother can be the next ruler.
His people fought for decades to free themselves from the Land-thieves and yet here he was laying with the enemy. He wasn't proud of it but the heart wants what it wants, and at that moment Jen was all his heart desired.

He told no one of their plans except his closest friends, sharifs just like him. They thought him crazy for even thinking of such things. He trusted them and asked them for their help. They promised to support him but they did the exact opposite. Their betrayal would cost him a future he dreamt of and in the process the love of his life.
That night as Qassim sat beside his lover, his forbidden lover he hoped for a better tomorrow oblivious to the evil that awaited them.
He was young and blinded by hope and aspirations. He couldn't see past his dreams and he cared very little about what his dreams would do to his family.

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