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"Oh you should have been there sister it was wonderful. Mother and father were so engaged in our conversations and they just simply adore Hunter," rejoiced Lily as she continued to pace back and forth across my living room for what felt like the one hundred time. "Did I tell you how much Hunter loved father's beard?"

"Yes. You did. About a thousand times," I complained but my annoyance was lost on my sister. She had been like this for hours boasting about the fantastic visit she had from our parents.

She just keeps going on and on about every single detail that now I felt like I was there too. Sure I'm happy that she was finally able to have a good moment with our parents, especially mom but I just wish she would stop talking. And as if that wasn't bad enough the kid learned a new word that made Hooty cry for like an hour. Now Hooty, Owlbert, and the kid won't stop hooting at each other. It was cute at first but now I just want to throw my ears out the window. This is the cruelest and most unusual punishment I have ever received and I didn't even break any laws to deserve it.

"So I have," muttered Lilith taking a small pause. For a moment I thought my punishment was finally over but then she started back up again. "It was just so perfect. You should have been there to see how happy dad was playing with Hunter. The two bonded so quickly that Hunter even started to cry when it was time for them to go."

"You don't say," I replied disinterestedly hoping my nightmare would come to end soon.

"You know maybe we could all get together and have a family dinner," suggested Lilith with the same level of obnoxious excitement she's had since she got here. "Maybe for Hunter's birthday instead of having something big we could all meet here.'

"Wow wow wow no. Let me stop you right there. It's cool and all that you had this great family reunion with mom and dad but leave me out of it. I don't want them here." I snapped. "Besides you know I can't be around dad not after what I did to him."

I raised my voice a bit too much causing the baby to start crying. Lilith nodded at Hooty who wrapped him up and took him to his room to try and calm him down. When she turned to look at me I saw what l could only describe as pity in her eyes. I didn't need this. Not in my own home. If I didn't want to talk to mom and dad that was my choice. Just because she could forget with one day didn't mean I could do the same. I stood up ready for a fight. "Lily I..."

"Edalyn," It was only my name but the way she said it made my whole body freeze. I don't know if this is the authoritarian voice that she learned as the leader of a coven or if it's just her mom voice but every time she uses it gives me chills. "Please listen to what I have to say first."

I did but not because of fear but because her entire demeanor had changed. The excitement and happiness she had been radiating since she got here were now completely gone. It was now replaced by a cold sternness that made the room feel a few degrees colder. She was being completely serious now and it was unsettling compared to how bubbly she had been just a moment ago.

"What I am about to tell you is extremely important so I need you to listen carefully, okay?" she said trying to be more gentle but the steel in her eyes did not waver. "There might come a day where I am no longer around and I wan... I need you to be able to watch over Hunter in my absence."

What was going on? How did we go from a conversation about our parents to her not being around? "Lilith are you in trouble? If someone is after you..." She raised her hand to stop me then continued calmly.

"As I said this is very important so please just...listen." I nodded my head and tried to relax but now I was on edge. Had someone threatened her? Was she sick? She came and took a seat next to me and took my hand in hers. "As my son, I want Hunter to experience all the joys of growing up in a loving home. I want him to feel like he is wanted. Like he matters. I want him to have the love of his grandparents and his cool aunt."

Lilith & Hunter: The Raven's NestWhere stories live. Discover now