Chapter One - Boys...

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"Liam Bell is so cute," Anita giggled as we left our last class, potions.

"Liam's cute," Alana agreed, nodding her head approvingly. "But, Martin Fisher puts Liam Bell to shame," she sighed wistfully.

I suppose that's where I zoned out, my friends were always talking about boys, I wondered if they ever tired of discussing the same topic repeatedly. If they weren't talking about the opposite sex, they were thinking, fantasising even, about them. The only thing I knew for definite was that I was absolutely starving, I was looking forward to dinner.

I wasn't paying much attention, therefore, not answering my friends question when they called on me.

"Kayla," Alana nudged me in the ribs, causing me to jolt out of my blissful daydream and heed my surroundings. "Is anyone home?

"Uh, yeah, sorry for spacing out like that. . ." I grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck. "What were you guys talking about?"

Slow, devious grins spread across both my friends faces. "Boys," they said in unison.

I inwardly groaned, when were they not talking about boys?

"Anita likes Liam Bell," Alana smirked at her twin sister obviously hoping to embarrass her, but failing miserably.

"And Alana likes Martin Fisher," Anita poked her tongue out at Alana.

"Who do you like, Kayla?" The two brunettes giggled.

I blushed at the question, why did I have to like the schools player? I quickly shook the thought from my head as a tall, pale, dark eyed, dark haired, mysterious boy filled my thoughts. "Um. . ." I began, frantically chewing on my bottom lip, searching for a name -any other name- just not his. I turned around, so that I was facing my friends and walking backwards. "John Lupin," I lied.

Alana and Anita exchanged looks and raised their eyebrows disbelievingly.

"Kayla, you turned him down ten minutes ago," Anita pointed out.

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten.

"Come on, Kayla, tell us, please?" Alana whined.

"Timothy Snider," I blurted.

The two girls wrinkled their noses in disgust. "You actually think that we're buying that?"

They were right, I made no secret of my disgust for Timothy Snider. I knew I had no other choice, I turned on my heel and fled the hallway, my feet slapping loudly against the cold, stone floor. I could hear Alana and Anita not far behind, I sped up, hoping to lose them, no way was I telling them who I liked. Once I could no longer hear them following me, I peered back over my shoulder to check if they were truly gone and they were. I felt myself smile in relief, but that smile quickly disappeared as I thumped into something hard and solid, a pair of warm, strong arms wrapped around my waist, keeping me steady.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the half breed?" An all too familiar, cold voice drawled. The voice that I both hated and loved.

My mouth went dry as I gazed up at the handsome, yet cold, face of none other than Tom Riddle.


Hey, guys! I've really enjoyed writinng this story and hope you enjoy reading it as much!

I'm listening to 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift.

I'm reading 'Dark Secrets - Legacy of Lies' by Elizabeth Chandler.

** Edited: 26th of March 2024.

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