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( The wicked cursed one )
Year 1999

Screaming filled the rooms, screams of a painful birth, the screams of a mother in pain till after some time an hour and 13 minutes to be exact after some time a baby's cries were heard.

Her mother looked at her child, the one who she carried for nine months and who she just gave birth to on this cold night. She had a look of horror when the curse took place.

The same curse that she tried to avoid, the curse that made her hate her own child who she has never known till now what honesty and Adam voretti feared.

On that night the moon turned red and animals went into hiding. The wind stopped blowing and the water turned to ice, lights flickering and then her child's eyes opened and then she knew she gave birth to a monster.

The baby had pale skin and the most dark red eyes... the devil's eyes, her hands who had nails that were sharp as claws.

On December 20th 1999

A girl with dark red eyes

A girl with pale brown skin

A girl with dark black hair

A girl with nails sharp as claws

And that when honesty and Adam voretti knew they gave birth to a monster and that monster name was


The Enchantress Nightwalker Witch

Also known as Giselle Honesty Voretti the curse witch

Chapter 1
(The wicked cursed one )
Year 2005
Smith Grove sanitarium


Rain and thunder and wind blew hard lighting flashed . The only light that flickered was a small light hanging in the padded cell room with a small bed with a thin fur blanket, a wooden desk with poems all over it and kid drawings .

For a 5 year old the handwriting was very clear she had the writing of a 16 year old she wanted to become a therapist one day.

She soon went to bed knowing she never get out ever in this mental hospital


11 year later
Year 2016

A girl no older than 16 years old with black curly hair that went to her back and her pale brown skin and dark red eyes and nails that were sharp as claws .

Her name was Giselle Honesty Voretti And she was the wicked cursed one

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