The Unwanted, Wanted Visitor

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The library was lit by the daylight reaching through the windows

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The library was lit by the daylight reaching through the windows.

The little girl’s footsteps echoed against the roof and the rows and rows of book cases as she walk on the white marble floor.

The roof was painted with the stories in the library. One could just lie there on the floor and look up to watch the stories unfold in front of you.

Flight of stairs on either sides of the library that would take you up or down to the next level, to where more books and stories would wait for you.

The little girl, dressed in an unwanted baby blue dress, curiously walked in between the two-story-tall book shelves.

Saundra just wanted to pick up the first book that looked interesting and read it. Before her mother died she wanted to make sure that Saundra knew how to read and write from a young age.

As Saundra wondered through the library, she heard bigger and faster steps echoing from the main passageway. The person walked past the shelf passageway, where Saundra was standing, in a hurry.

Saundra turned around, continuing with her wondering. But she stopped in her tracks when she heard two voices. She was too far away to hear what exactly they were saying but the ten year old got curious. So she stepped closer, trying to be extremely light on her feet but with the clumsy record she had, something was bound to not go her way.

A woman and a man was standing at one of the library tables, looking down at something on the table. Something that Saundra could not make out what it was, because she was too short to see.

The woman was wearing a suit like jacket, round big glasses and as Saundra looked closer she saw short but cute pointy ears.

Saundra’s eyes shifted to the man and all she saw was black. Black clothes covering him from his neck to the floor. His hair was night dark and was standing wild.

As she was staring at the two grownups, she felt a sneeze grow inside of her, because of the dust all over the books.

She tried to keep her breath in, to stop the sneeze but it made the sound just more explosive in the empty library.

The woman and man immediately turned around, towards the sound. The man lifted his eyebrows curiously before walking towards where the sneeze just came from. The woman following him, close behind.

He saw a small head peak at him from behind one of the book shelves.

A child. He took slow and less threatening steps towards the child.

As he got closer he saw the sky blue eyes staring at him with wonder and curiosity. No fear, horror or distress. Maybe just a little bit shyness.

"Hello." He greeted sweetly with a soft tone but Saundra just heard his voice, a voice of a man that sounded like he had lifetimes to decide what he wanted to say.

"No need to be shy or afraid." The man said to Saundra but she stayed where she was, half hiding behind the book shelf.

"My Lord. She shouldn’t have been able to get in here." Said the woman with the pointy ears behind him.

"It is all alright, Lucienne. She’s just a child. Children have always been stronger dreamers than adults.” He said with amazement. “We will just have to accompany her until she wakes up in the Waking world." Said the man to the woman.

The man kneeled down on to one knee, to the same height level as her. "May I know your name, child?" He asked her, standing a little further from the book shelf, revealing more of her face and body to them.

"Saundra. Saundra Vespertine." She answered quickly but loudly.

A tiny smile grew on the man's face. "Well, Saundra Vespertine, this is Lucienne." he said as he pointed to the woman behind him. "And you may call me Morpheus."

"Lucienne and Morpheus." She tried out their names as she looked at each of them when she said it.

"Yes, precisely." He smiled proudly at her, like she just done something extraordinary but the truth was that Morpheus had a soft spot for children and anything they do would amaze him in some way or another.

"Do you like books, Saundra Vespertine?" He asked kindly and Saundra shyly nodded at his question.

"Would you like to read one?" Morpheus asked witty and Saundra almost bounced up and down with excitement when she nodded at him again.

"Lucienne, why don’t you go and get some books for our new friend." Morpheus asked while still smiling, holding eye contact with Saundra.

"Right away, sir." Lucienne said as she walked away with a small smile. It’s quite rare for her to see Morpheus like this.

Morpheus reached out his hand upwards towards Saundra. Showing her that she was safe. "Come Saundra Vespertine. Your stories await."

Saundra stepped away from the book shelf towards him. She took small steps towards him but he waited patiently for her small hand to take his. His promise of safety and that she would be taken care of when she was in the Dreaming.

When Saundra took his hand, he saw a dark spot on the inside of the palm of her hand. A very unique birthmark, he thought to himself.

He stood up from his kneeling position and walked with her towards one of the tables. He took slow steps to make sure that she could keep up with her short legs.

They got to the table and he pulled out a chair for her. He made sure she was sitting comfortably before pulling out a chair for himself.

Lucienne walked towards them with a couple of books in her hands. She stopped next to Saundra and place 5 books in front of her on the table.

Lucienne smiled when she saw the excitement on the little girl’s face.

Saundra went to grab the first book but stopped before she touched it. "Thank you, Lucienne."

Lucienne gave her a big dramatic nod and then the little girl opened the first book.

Lucienne’s gaze shifted towards Morpheus with a relaxed, unashamed smile as he watched the Saundra reading.

Lucienne walked to his side of the table, wanting to say something to him without disturbing the child.

"Sir, there someone outside the gates whom seeks an audience with you."

Morpheus sighed at what was just said to him as he kept on looking at the child deep in the story that she was reading.

"I’ll keep her company. She won’t leave my sight." Lucienne assured him.

He simply stood up for his chair and walked away without saying a word to Lucienne or Saundra.

Lucienne watched him walk way before she sat down in his place, keeping the girl company while doing some of her paper work.

A couple of minutes later, the girl moved uncomfortably in her chair. Saundra picked up the book she was reading, climbed off the chair and laid down on her stomach on top the carpet and continued reading.

Saundra was almost finished with book when she woke up in the Waking world. The peaceful, quiet library that she was lying in was now replaced with the horrible smell of rats and musty. A bed she has to share with two other girls without a pillow and one blanket for the show cold nights.

She was back in the nightmare.

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