Chapter 15

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Hey guys 👋🏽, it's the author. I just wanted to relay a message, if you don't mind.

I would just like to say this, please take your time reading this. I know there are some of you who love this book and can't wait to read each chapter when I post. But for the sake of the plot and how these next few chapters will be written, I really need you all to take your time reading this.

I don't ask for much of you, if not anything. But as the author and for the sake of my plot as well as wanting you all to get the best experience of this book. I am asking you all, too please read the next few chapters slowly. Or at least take your time.

I'm asking this of you all, for the sake of not wanting you all to skip the plot or rush ahead, I want you to emotionally enjoy these next few chapters. It will be an emotional roller coaster, starting from the chapter.

So please, if you don't ever listen to me. Please this once, do for the sake of the emotional plot. If you agree to take your time, please comment so for my sake. Please and possibly thank you.

You may start the chapter.

Third Person Pov:

Currently, Y/n is moving back and forth on a swing late at night. Now you may be wondering why.

Guess what.

Nothing she just felt like it.

But in all honesty, she came out tonight for two reasons. One, she is sick and tired of Miko. At this point it's getting maddening. Not of the girl herself, but simply that fact that Y/n has yet to honestly talk to her.

Part of her knows the only reason why she dislikes Miko so much, is because Miko seems to easily getting someone she wants. Fate quite literally brought Miko to her soulmate. How is Y/n suppose to compete with that?

Miko has unlocked Y/n's hidden insecurities and anxiety so quick, Y/n barely had time to prepare. She honestly feels pathetic for allowing herself to get so hurt- so wounded over a girl liking a guy that's not even hers. Not just that, but over a girl and a guy in general.

This whole situation for her is like repeatedly punching a wall. It won't punch back but it still hurts. At this point, Y/n's knuckles are blue. While the wall hasn't felt a damn thing.

And that's what's so frustrating.

She's resenting a girl who has done nothing wrong, just for liking a boy. Yes, the girl may have gone too far with her little crush. But at the same time, when you like someone you do crazy things. It's not the girl's fault for falling for someone Y/n likes. You can't control romantic feelings. Unfortunately.

Y/n is angry with herself. For hating on a girl who liked the same boy as her. It was very childish of her. She knows this. All she had to do was sit down and have an honest conversation with her months ago and this problem would've been handled. But no, she lacked the communication skills too.

It's not even like she didn't want to talk to her. Not just her, both of them. But everytime she saw them together she wanted to run in the back of her closet and breakdown again. Guess you can say she just needed time.

Either way it goes, all she really needs to do. Is talk to Miko. Clear all bad blood before it's too late.

Which brings us to the second reason she's here tonight. To do just that.

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