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Wether it be problematic or not, exhausting or not, burdensome or not..

She always completed the job that was assigned to her just like an obedient dog trained to obey its master demands. It was one of the reasons he prized her, held her in such high regard. Though he pitied her as much as he prized her.

Living another day after being saved from death made her keep her head to the ground, made her chain her own hands. Willing to be devoted to her duty she never dared turn her eyes away from the task at hand.

Being apart of an infamous criminal organization meant you needed to have a powerful nen that one should be able to handle and keep in control. Needed to follow the inviolable rules of the organization. And well, if you possibly make it in..

Congratulations! You've now become a faithful subject to the organization. Don't think that you're going to leave so soon now, your freedom now moderated to absolutely none. You'll stay until the end of your demise.


Perhaps it would've been best to let them aid me..

You were located in an empty parking lot where you had confronted the traitor that had been selling weapons to another organization without informing the boss.

He had given the task to capture the traitor to you. Sighing, you stood up..well tried to.

You stumbled a few times but were able to walk.

Who would think that you let a traitor run free just because you were too distracted by your thoughts?

He used that to his advantage and attacked you. It was foolish of him to think that he could break free from you.

Well he did break free, but sooner enough he'll be caught one way or another, whether it be from your hands or another's.


A man dressed in a type of office attire came running towards you. This man was one of your subordinates, Leonardo.

"Are you alright miss?" The man asked.

You walked past him ignoring his question. You did this often so he had gotten the hint.

He shook his head knowing that you would forever remain the same, but he was your subordinate and you were the one that chose him to be.

He was grateful for it, he was thankful to you. Unknowing to you he bowed while you walked away, being a subordinate didn't just mean you had to do your job properly and follow orders.

It meant you had to have deep respect for the person that you bowed to.

"Miss wait!" He yelled the moment he realized that you were about to get into his car and leave, without him.

You became quite heartless whenever you were tired, so you didn't care much about how your subordinate would come back.


After a little while you arrived at your house. It was nothing significant, it was quite ordinary in fact and that's how you preferred it to be.

It carried many advantages too but, we'll save that topic for another time. You got out of the car leaving it just sitting there.

Opening the door you went in and slammed the door shut. Taking off your coat you grabbed a glass of water and drank it with haste.

The next thing you did was..well.

Take out your pistol that you had been readying the moment you got out of the car.

You sensed a presence, it wasn't intense but was enough for you to sense it. It wasn't familiar at all so it couldn't have been someone you knew.

You pondered on who this strange presence belonged to.

At first you thought it was the traitor that had followed you inside but it couldn't have been, the guy was a coward and he'd do anything to get as far away from you and everyone else that had received orders to kill on sight.

So who the hell followed you? You had already tracked where this intruder was silently standing for some damn reason.

Aiming at the intruder you pulled the trigger about three times.. yet, the intruder didn't even move an inch.

At this point you were absolutely done and didn't even bother asking how he was still standing and not dead.

Perhaps you could politely ask this intruder to leave but, then again if you were an intruder you wouldn't leave until you got what you wanted even.. if a lovely and gorgeous woman had asked you to.

Thus you thought the same must've been with this person.

You sighed and went to go get another glass of water to drink, facing your back against the person that was standing on your balcony. You just wanted to eat something and rest.

Was that too much to ask for? Maybe it was.

After finishing your second glass of water you turned to face the intruder once again. But, they were already gone or..maybe not.

You weren't sure since you couldn't sense their aura nor were they standing on your balcony anymore.

Perchance they were still here but you didn't give a damn if they were.

They could take whatever they want and leave. Though you were still quite curious and wanted to find out who the intruder was however, you were too exhausted for that.

Perhaps you'd find out another day, for now, you were going to sleep and forget about this shitty world for a while.

Going to your room you laid down on the bed forgetting that you had to change your clothes and eat.

Then you remembered you had work to do, groaning you disregarded all the work that you had been assigned and finally fell asleep.

Saving the work for another day as well.


𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟣 '𝖨𝖭𝖳𝖱𝖴𝖣𝖤𝖱' 𝖾𝗇𝖽.

𝓜𝓻𝓼. 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓲𝓵𝓯𝓮𝓻 | Kuroro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now