Return to Work

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I made my way through the halls, paranoid, looking for Dr. Cullen. I was told to give him a patient's file. I had a pounding headache. I didn't get much sleep due to my obsession. My stupid obsession to find out who left the note. I looked at the ground, not paying attention to where I was walking. I felt myself bump into someone.

I looked up and stuttered, "S-Sorry, I really d-didn't mean to." Just to my horrible luck, I had stumbled into Jamie Kepler's path. Crap.

"No worries. Good luck by the way," she smiled a cruel smile. I looked at her as she walked by. 'What the hell?'
I was officially confused. I sighed and returned to hunting down Dr. Cullen but I couldn't shake off this feeling I had. I felt as though she were watching me or waiting for the next attack.

Several minutes passed by before I finally settled on going to his office. After searching every room in the building, I still hadn't found him. I arrived at the door and gently knocked. 'Please be in there...' I thought. Someone quickly answered the door and I was face to face with the most amazing being on earth. Dr. Cullen.

"I...uh...I was told to give you this." Dammit heart! Stop getting in the way of my work. I was shocked as he smiled at me.

"Thank you." Before he could continue, my pager went off. Why? I mean it would be okay if it were with a doctor I disliked but no. It was with the absolute most fascinating human being on this planet. Worst of all, I had fallen head over heels for him.

For the rest of the day, I sped through my usual duties. Sick patients, CT scans, MRI scans and so on. Finally, I finished and I was exhausted but, I still had to endure another 48 hours in the exact same hospital as the annoying first years. I made my way to an on call room. Whoop de doo. I set my stuff in one of the rooms and took the top bunk. I laid my head down and closed my eyes for five minutes. BAM! My pager starts going off.

'Is it so bad for me to get a little sleep?!' I thought as I sped out the on call room and to the room where a bunch of first years paged me.

"We don't know what to do!" One of the younger ones called out, I sighed. Code blue. After giving out orders on what to do I waited along side them, for an attendee. If they don't know what to do during cardiac arrest, I don't even want to see them in surgery.

After watching the first years getting a well deserved lecture, I headed to the on call room. I opened my purse and saw a note.


I dropped to my knees. Oh my God.

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