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One year ago...

It was too late for anyone to be strolling through the gardens at night, but she had been proven wrong. There, lit by dazzling moonlight, was a cloaked figure, a white eye on their sleeve.

She brandished a nearby spade, squinting through the window of her room. It didn't look like anyone from the Ebb family. Wouldn't Callista or Faye have mentioned something?

The figure crept through the sprawling maze of plants, their heels quietly clacking along the paving. There was something glittering in their hand.

They seemed to be heading towards the mansion itself. She clutched the spade closer to her chest, slowly edging out of her quarters, along the corridor which connected her and the mansion.

She didn't know where the strange visitor was, but she was ready to interrogate them – anything to protect the gracious family who had granted her a home and a job she loved. And of course, their precious heirlooms and jewels...and perhaps someone else...

The hallways of the lower level were dark purplish-blue under the light of the moon streaming through the windows. It was almost creepy – but of course it wasn't. Nothing here was dangerous, and the visitor surely wouldn't do her any harm.

She looked through the windows as she went, trying to sight the dark figure. The spiral staircase above her creaked, and she froze, inching behind a pillar. She dropped the spade as her palms became clammy.

It was a ghost.

Or at least that's what she thought, doing a double take. It was just the Ebb's daughter, Lindsay.

Her breath caught in her throat as Lindsay descended the stairs. She was beautiful in every way, her long pale hair hanging in messy waves and her skin glistening in the light. Her feet hardly made a sound. Her light green eyes were half-closed, and her dainty hands were trailing down the banister.

Lindsay reached the bottom of the staircase, still as her head perked up. Her eyes fully opened now, and her lips whispered, "Marina?"

Marina put a hand over her mouth, almost entirely forgetting about the visitor. Lindsay thought about her, even when she sleep-walked.

Lindsay drifted over to the pillar where Marina hid. She reached out a hand to brush Marina's cheek, smiling thoughtfully. "Hello, my dear."

Marina's heart sped up, melting into the other woman's touch. Her body froze, however, when she heard the ominous sound of the grand doors opening to the outside.

"Lindsay, you have to wake up," Marina whispered, tears glistening on her eyelashes. "Someone's here."

Heels clacked on the floor, hallways away. Every tap burst her ears.

Lindsay turned airily, and flew away down the corridor. She didn't seem to understand, so Marina followed her, every step an added urgency.

Lindsay didn't stop, even when Marina pulled her back. It was like she was a moth being drawn to a light, except danger could be lying ahead.

All sounds in the house halted as they finally found who they were looking for. Now that Marina was in front of them, she could see that the mysterious visitor had jet black hair, a small waist, and skin like autumn leaves mixed blended together. Something about their smooth features and faint smile put her at ease.

But not for long.

The visitor drew a dagger from a pouch on their hip and rested it against Lindsay's neck. They smiled cruelly, catching Marina's eyes.

Black as obsidian, chilling to the core.

Lindsay tried to move, her chest rising and falling heavily, but it only made the tip of the dagger drive a little further in, drawing blood. Marina gasped, trying to block the attacker from the other woman.

"I will let her go," the attacker said in a slithery voice, "If you, Ms Clocksford, come with me."

A conniving smile slid onto their lips.

Marina shivered, taking Lindsay's hand protectively. "Who are you?"

"No-one important," the attacker said. "Just here to protect what is mine." They smirked at Lindsay and Marina's joined hands.

"What is yours?" Marina cried. "I don't understand." The shadows were creeping, closer and closer, to the mysterious intruder. Moonbeams shifted directly onto Marina's face as if she was cast under a spotlight.

"Where you're going, you won't need to understand," the attacker said, their voice growing steadily more threatening. "It's her or you, see. And I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate me slitting the throat of your one and only."

Marina felt the tears sliding as she stepped forward, joining them. She let go of Lindsay's hand, feeling as if her whole fate was crumbling away.

All she'd ever done was try; try to stay unnoticed, try to be caring, try to be kind...she just hoped that whatever happened to her, the Ebbs would be safe.

The intruder tugged her away, and Marina went with them, only wishing for Lindsay...but Lindsay glided away, seemingly asleep.

"You are going to be secluded without voice," the attacker said, leading her down the hall. Their blade was still suspended. "You will assist me in finding something quite important. And then, Ms Clocksford, you will never be seen again."

Marina chanced another glance at them, wondering if maybe it wasn't real. That maybe she was just having a bad dream...

Wishful thinking, of course.

And as the cloth was tied over her eyes, and all hope fell away, she knew she was never coming back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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