Part 1

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Itadori has always been the caring gentle out of the two while Sakuna was the rebellious one

Living with Sakuna wasn't n easy for itadori since he was the one getting in fights because he looks exactly like his twin brother but he didn't mind since it was his brother how many he tried to tell them they were too stupid too understand

But one day itadori got a great opportunity at a new school that was a little farther than the last

Even though he would miss Grandpa and he would visit him less since school was a little far away he went ahead and agreed to the school

While itadori was getting things ready for the next day Sakuna came home which was pretty weird since he would last weeks without coming home

" what are you doing home so early" itadori said while continuing getting things ready
" well am I not allowed to come home anymore" he said while raising her eyebrow an eyeing his brother

" well brother since you never come home I didn't think you come"

" well you thought wrong so what are you doing"

"That is none of your concern"

" well I should know at least what my baby brother is doing"

" since when have you cared what I was doing" itadori asked as he stops what he was doing to turn in look at sakuna

" ouch you're so cold " sakuna stop playing and looked at him seriously

" Watch who you're talking to" as sakuna said that they both stared at each other's eyes without breaking contact until sakuna broke it

" good luck with your properties for a little bro you'll need it" that was the last thing Sakuna said before he left

" damn you" itadori said continuing what he left off

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