Chapter 1

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(3rd POV)

Vegeta, once again, didn't dodge 19's attack. 19 began to wail on Vegeta, who made no effort to fight back.

Vegeta: "Hmm... Just as I thought. You're nothing!"

19: "Huh?"

Vegeta: "Silly robot! Do you really think you have a chance against a Super Saiyan like me? our brain must be malfunctioning. Fresh out of the factory with no warranty... And already broken. What a pity." 19 takes a step back as Vegeta takes a step forward. In a second, Vegeta has his foot planted through 19's abdomen. He follows up with an elbow to his chin that sends the android flying. He then appears above 19 before kicking him into the dirt again, the android's body bouncing along the ground.

Tien: "Man! Vegeta!"

19: "Mal...function..."

Vegeta: "My, my! What do we have here?"

19: "...function..."

Vegeta: "Oh, yes! The ultimate tub of lard bucket of bolts!" 19 quickly jumps up to attack Vegeta, but the prince was faster. Vegeta leaned back on his hands before kicking the android up into the air. Vegeta begins to fly toward 19 who recovers before letting out a yell. "So, are you scared yet?" The prince was now right next to the android, who didn't answer the question with words, but violence. 19 throws punch, after punch, after punch, but nothing was hitting the prince. Well, except for the prince's fists hitting against 19's robotic skull. "I think you have an oil leak. What a bad deal! Such a fragile unit!" 19 tries to use another eye beam, but Vegeta can easily fly above it before appearing above 19 and hitting him down with an overhead strike. The android was falling right towards the rest of the Z Fighters.

Piccolo: "Let's get out of here!" There was now a crater in between Gero and the four members of the Z fighters. In the middle of the crater, was 19 and Vegeta.

Vegeta: "Despicable! What a useless machine!" 19 then quickly shot up before grabbing onto Vegeta's wrists.

19: "Oh, yes! I have you now! And soon I will have all of your energy!"

Krillin: "Oh, no!"

19: "Hehe! Do not try to escape, yes! It is useless. Until I have your energy, I will never let you go."

Vegeta: "Never, huh? Let's see..." Vegeta hops up, and begins pushing on 19's face with his feet. He kept pushing against the androids face, attempting to separate his arms from the rest of his body. "Well so far I'm impressed! You're very true to your word! But "never" can be a long time, Android!"

???: "Interesting..."

Vegeta: "Something wrong? You seem like you're under a lot of pressure! Still think that you can hang on long enough to steal my energy?"

19: "I will never let you go!"

Vegeta: "Yes, that's the spirit, Android! Never say die!" Vegeta finally manages to push enough to have 19's hands rip off of his body. Everybody was shocked by Vegeta's strength, and the fact 19 was staring at his dismembered hands. Vegeta removes the hands from his wrists before inspecting them. "So, these are the devices that you androids use to rob people of their energy. What's the matter? You're the one who started this game! And now you don't want to play anymore?! You were enjoying yourself before when you were sucking the life out of Kakarot!" As Vegeta began to walk closer, 19 tried it's best to get away from him. "So, I guess it's true after all! Androids do experience fear..." 19 scrambles out of the crater before sprinting away from the Super Saiyan. Vegeta then flew out of the crater, ready to kill the android.

Gero: "Enough!"

Vegeta: "Don't be absurd! It's enough because you're losing! You've come here to destroy us! Fool. You're going to have to finish what you started! Time has run out for you, Android! Here it comes! A little going away present for you!" As the energy ball flies towards 19, Gero yells out.

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