Chapter 30

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I quickly reached for Gisele and Raoul made no effort to withhold her any longer. "We will leave, Raoul. We planned to leave before you kidnapped Gisele."

"I'm terribly sorry. It was wrong of me to try to settle scores using your daughter."

"Raoul, tell me the truth. What did he do to you?"

"He threatened me and Christine, but he never acted on his threats. There were incidents at the opera which he was blamed for but in hindsight, I don't really know that he was at fault. Madame, is there any way I can apologize to your husband?"

I hesitated. He seemed genuine, however, he had also just kidnapped my daughter. "I'm afraid now is not a good time, but I will pass along your remarks to my husband." I began to close the door.

"One more thing." He handed me a cloth bag, "For your new life."

"Thank you."

I closed the door and locked it behind me. I dropped the bag to floor and kissed Gisele over and over.

Madame Giry appeared in the room, "Caroline, he's awake." She must have saw the look of worry on my face so she added, "He's better."

I ran to his room carefully, "Erik!" I laid down next to him holding Gisele. "Our girl is home!"

"We must leave at once, my dear. We can't have anymore risks."

"Are you strong enough to leave?"

"With you by my side, I have the strength to do anything. Let us catch that ship."

In a whirl wind of events, we had packed up our belongings and left on the ship for a new life in America. I had ideas for him. I wasn't trying to write the musical, Love Never Dies, but I did think a management position of a theater or amusement park would be good for him. We would be in a new place, and he would be all that the Phantom I had read about dreamed of becoming: a man, a family man, a noble man, and not a monster.

When we arrived, it would be a whole new country for him and a whole new era for me, but both of us had everything we needed.

AN: Hi! Sorry for the delay, but I wanted to post this update so I can begin writing their adventures in America! Stay tuned and feel free to share any ideas or comments! ❤️

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