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My life seems like the evil step mother side of Cinderella. It may seem all glamorous and stuff, but it's not. Mom works all night. Dad works all day. They're both only home together on weekends or holidays, or breaks.
It's like only one cares to be with us at a time. I mean I'm use to it, I've grown up my whole life like this. Mom will have to quit her job in a few months though, Dad won't let her work with the baby. Im surprised she's still aloud to work sense he knows.
Life is complicated.
"Madison, your Mom and I talked to the principal, you can go back to school now, you just have detention until the end of the month and your brother goes back at the end of this month and has detention all next month." Dad says.
Yay because that's totally what I want.
Samuel must have over heard because he walks into the room and says,
"Keekoa Louna is going to our school as of tomorrow! You've got to go! I'm in love with her! She this famous actress that's our age and originally came from here and now she wants to come back and be a normal teen!" Sam says.
After about an hour he talks me into it.
The next morning Sam runs into my room waking me up.
"Stop! Samuel! Oh my god, I just want to sleep, I'll go to school next week." I whine.
"I will dress you if I have to!" Sam says.
"Sam just stop. I'll have Brooke and Aisha meet her. Please?" I say.
"Brooke? Crap, I forgot about Brooke. Please go to school." He begs.
"Get out of my room." I snap.
He holds his hands up then leaves.
I know I'm out for this football season but I'm back to captain in the baseball season so I go ahead and put on my cheer uniform, shoe, and put my hair up in a pony, curl my hair, place the bow in it.
Then I grab my crutches and backpack to go downstairs to my family.
To: Brooke, Aisha
Wear Cheer Uniform, Luv Ya
I set down at the table and eat breakfast with my family.
"Never thought I'd see that uniform again in football season..." Sam says.
"Cheerleader at heart Sam." I finish eating then go to school.
Brooke and Aisha are waiting by my locker when I get to school.
"We thought we wouldn't see you for a while Maddy." Brooke says.
"Omg, Who's the new girl?" Aisha ask.
"Keekoa Louna." I sigh, "Sam is like in love with the girl, it's weird."
"How's he know her?" Brooke ask watching the girl pass us.
"Movie star. Don't even bother though, she's probably a stuck up rich girl." I say.
"Like us?" Aisha laughs.
"Not even close, and she's not worth our time. At all." I say.
Keekoa stops and smiles at us before she walks away, I roll my eyes and head to class.
At lunch us girls get our lunch then set down with Conner and his younger sister Boston.
"I can't wait tell I'm actually in high school, eighth grade sucks. I just want to be a cheerleader!" Boston whines.
"Boston go over there with Laila and Lola." Conner says.
Boston sticks her tongue out at him but does as told.
"Excuse me?" An unfamiliar voice says.
I look up to see Keekoa.
"May I help you?" I ask.
"Well it's just, you guys are the only ones in this place not freaking out over me. I was wondering if I could join you maybe?" She says.
I roll my eyes.
"Go ahead." Conner says.
Keekoa whispers a thank you and sets down.
"Brooke, no competing with that. She wins." Aisha says, "A kiss is nothing compared to what she's got."
"You kissed Samuel?!" I say.
"No. No, that did not happen!" Brooke quickly says.
"You kissed my brother didn't you Brooke?" I question.
"No. I told Aisha that I had wanted to but thought the better of it." Brooke says, "I know that if I went out with Football then I'd loose my best friend."
"If I find out different." I say.
"I know, I'm done for." She says.
"So... You girls cheer?" Keekoa ask.
"Yes." Is all I say before I turn the conversation back to my friends.
"Conner, how are you and Rosalyn?" Aisha ask.
"We broke up, she said that football was stupid and I was too self centered if I continued to play it, we got into an argument and I broke up with her." Conner says.
I know its wrong but I really want to smile at that break up.
"You like him?" Keekoa whispers to me.
That makes me smile.
"Uh, I think I'm going home if anyone wants to come?" I say.
Conner, Brooke, Aisha, and Keekoa all say yes.
I toss Conner my keys and he drives us home.
Sam is in the family room when we get home.
His eyes go from Keekoa to Brooke then back to Keekoa as Luke runs into the room and over to me.
"Sorry buddy, can't really carry you until my legs better. Incase I didn't say it thank you Samuel and Noah." I say.
I end off sneaking upstairs to my room, except Conner follows me and gives me the shock of my life.
He kisses me.
When I close my eyes he stops and smiles before he kisses me again. A kiss filled with Passion, Love, Hunger, and I don't even know what else, but I kiss back. At least until Brooke, Aisha, Keekoa, and Samuel walk in.
By Friday night Keekoa has made it a point that she'll be living with us for a while.
It doesn't help that Noah's hanging out at our house again.
Ainsley is to though so that does help some.
So right now you have Keekoa who is being worshipped by Noah, Samuel, and I hate to say it but Conner too.
Dumb football boys.
Then you have me, hanging out with Ainsley, Aisha, and Brooke.
"What the heck is up with boys?! You're way hotter than that wanna be movie star downstairs. Conner should be up here drooling over you and not down there drooling over her Maddy." Brooke says, "I'm partially saying that because Samuels mine!"
"You know what he is." They all look at me, "No seriously I would rather have him with you than her, and I'm going to fix that. You know what Brooke, go downstairs and kiss him." I say.
She smiles and we go downstairs.
I walk over to Conner and take his hand, claiming him as mine.
Brooke walks over straddle sets down on Sam's lap, grips his face, brings her lips to his and kisses him.
He kisses back aggressively.
They actually look cute together.
It's weird.
My best friend and brother.
I decide I'm not going to watch them and instead turn to look up at Conner who's like a head taller than me.
"You have really pretty eyes. I think I'll stare into them a lot." He says.
"I might just like that." I lean my head on his chest and let him hold me up so I don't hurt my leg.
"Awe, you two are so cute Maddy. I think I like this whole you and Conner thing." Aisha says.
"Now I'm jealous." Brooke says.
I put my face in Conners blue shirt that complements his green eyes.
My name is said from someone somewhere in the room.
"Madison, someone's on the phone for you." Jonny says.
I go answer it.
"Madison, it's me I'm awake. That and I'm so death fully sorry." I hear the voice and hang up immediately.
Samuel looks at me.
"Eli, he's- Elijah's awake." I say and set down.
He walks over to me and sets down.
"If he even lays a finger on you, tell either myself, Noah, or Conner. He will get what he deserves." Sam says.
I fake smile and hug my brother.
"I don't want you talking or going near him." Sam says as Noah joins.
"Who?" Noah questions.
"Elijah's awaken from the coma that yours truly put him in." Sam says.
"Madison?" Conner questions as he joins us, "That kid doesn't deserve life. You don't know him that well, never did. He was planning things, things I don't want to say out loud."
I look at Conner curiously.
What is he talking about?
"What does that mean?" Sam finally speaks my dying question.
"Nothing, all that should be know is if he dares to touch my girl he's as good as dead."
I'm his girl already?!
I sigh and stand up with the help of Noah and then slowly make my way up to my room.
Ainsley follows me.
"You okay Maddy?" She ask as she lays down on my bed next to me.
"No. But I just want sleep, I just want one of those times where you lay down with your mom and talk, spilling everything until you cry yourself to sleep. Ainsley, why can't I have that?" I ask.
"Because Aunt Tyler is never home." She says.
"I just want to lay there with my mom and cry and complain to her as she comforts me and tells me everything will be alright." I say.
"Will a brother work?" We look over to see Samuel in the doorway.
Ainsley smiles and leaves, Samuel walks over.
"I never get my sister to myself anymore there's always someone else here." Sam says.
I look up at him and move over so he can lay down by me.
I lay my head on my brothers chest and he wraps the arm I'm laying on around me.
"I didn't realize you cared, I know I'm your sister and you have to care, but outside of that?" I say.
"You're my twin, I care a lot more than you realize." Sam says, "So what's going on with my sister?"
I tell him everything and do end up crying myself to sleep.
He sleeps to.
I wake up to find my brother staring at me.
"What time is it?" I whisper.
"Two a.m. Mom and Dad just left the room, that's why I'm awake." He says.
I mumble a non audible okay and go back to sleep.
Not dreaming a single thing the rest of the night.
The next day we don't wake up until almost one.
Our parents don't question us either, but we question them, they're both home.....

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