viii. my cherie amour

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How long does it take someone to forget? Does anyone truly forget or are they only distracted enough not to think about it?

Questions upon questions laid upon themselves in Namjoon's brain as he watched the back of Baram's head, trailing after her as they entered a bar. A proposition stood out among his thoughts, but he wasn't sure if Baram would agree to it. Selfishly, he wished upon the half moon that she would lay her heart out for him to cherish.

Was it utter greed he was feeling? Every smile, every laugh, every nose scrunch, every endearing nickname, every love declaration, he wished that he would be on the receiving end of it. He wanted to be with her. It was as simple yet complex as that.

Baram stopped at a cocktail table and turned around to face him, smiling with slight curiosity in her eyes. It took all of his self-control to keep himself from kissing her forehead once again. He could read the interest on her face as she observed the bar.

It was fairly small and dimly lit, providing either a romantic atmosphere or giving off straightforward vibes that they were saving on electricity. No wonder the entrance fee was cheap. Rustic decor and colors dominantly furnished the bar, which would explain why they became attracted to it in the first place. Two singers were on stage, singing with utmost sincerity and talent while the people in the bar were ignoring their existence entirely.

She leaned her arm against his so any distance between them was nonexistent. Half of their attention was glued to the singing pair of young attractive men. The other half was hyper-aware of each other.

Ever since the incident at the convenience store, something between them solidified. Their commitment to each other before their confession was unspoken, both of them knowing that the other had some feelings for each other in some level. They've known it ever since they were on the train. It was not love at first sight. Rather, it was the closest thing to it, whatever it may be. But now, they were closer. To the naked eye, it would seem that their relationship was the same as it was, but to Baram and Namjoon, things were different.

There was no label to exclusively define their relationship, but even so, it was beautiful. All they knew was they liked each other and they had to go their separate ways before sunrise. So, the question remained.

What happens after liking each other?

That's what made something in their dynamic shift.

Namjoon perked up as he recognized the new song that the singers were playing, "I love this one." He outstretched his hand, "Will you dance with me?"

She looked around, "But no one else is dancing."

"So what?"

So what? The more modern version of carpe diem (also a more censored version of 'I don't give a fuck'), and the running theme of their little phrases felt so utterly cheesy to her. Was it their thing? Was it exclusively theirs to claim and remember? The two words made a smile grow on her face. Muttering a small 'alright,' Baram took his hand and assumed the position they were both in when they danced in front of the restaurant earlier, this time with less hesitation.

He twirled her and pulled her closer, paying no mind to the stares they were receiving. Almost chest to chest, he delicately placed his hand on her back, making sure to be careful in case he accidentally pulled her closer than she allowed him.

"My cherie amour," he sang quietly, swaying with her to the music. "Lovely as a summer day."

Baram squinted her eyes at him, "This guy can even sing."

ENCHANTED, kim namjoonWhere stories live. Discover now