Home is with you

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"We will do this together

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"We will do this together."

It's been four years since I decided what I wanted to do with my life. While it wasn't easy, it was definitely worth it. Here I am standing in line, waiting to get my name called. Waiting to receive my bachelors degree for being a Marine Biologist. I walk onto the stage as soon as my name is called, I shake hands with my professor and take pictures with my degree. I look into the crowd. I see parents and partners, I see kids, teenagers, brothers, and sisters. I see family. That's when I spot my family. I see Anten sitting and the person next to him, my dad. My dad? My dad's here? My smile fades, and is replaced with surprise. What's my dad doing here? I step off the stage after receiving my degree and go to my seat. After the ceremony I immediately go looking for Anten to ask him what's going on. I spotted him... with my dad. I spring over the courtyard to where they are standing. "What's going on here?!" I have a question. Anten sees me and has a big smile on that punchable face of his. "Well I know I shouldn't have invited your dad to your graduation without your permission, but I thought you might have wished he was there, and I wanted to surprise you." The way he always thinks about my feelings made me feel like his face was less punchable. My face softens, and so does my dads as he sees the way Anten feels about me. "Look Briella, I never got to apologize for everything I've put you through. When I heard that you were graduating it made me feel like I did something right. I wish I was able to be there for you when you were younger, but I am saying now, that I will try and be there more. I am so very proud of you honey." My tears are running down my face even faster. My dad is proud of me. "Thanks dad." I sob out. I see my dad open his arms for me, waiting for a hug. I grab on immediately. Not wanting to miss my chance. "I thought we should all go out to eat and celebrate." Anten suggested. I nodded in agreement also knowing that I accidentally skipped breakfast this morning. Walking to the car with Anten by my side I hear him whisper something. "I'm proud of you too, Bri." That makes me smile even more.

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"It's perfect." Anten said as we finished setting up the decoration. "It's home." I say. I saw the ocean lounging on the new couch and got to pet him. I look around once more at this home we built together. After both Anten and I graduated college, it was surprisingly easy for both of us to find a job so close to where we originally lived. We both had plans to save up and buy apartments, when Anten had asked me if I would like to move in with him. Of course I agreed. I sold my mom's house, and Anten moved out of his. Harton and Acelen had also moved out and found apartments down the streets with their girlfriends. Now here we are. In our new apartment. It's two stories, with the second being a small loft area with a beautiful view of the ocean. We even have a porch that looks out onto the street below.  It has the perfect view of sunrises and sunsets. "Wait, we forgot something." Anten speaks up. He goes back to our room and brings out a bag, inside that bag he holds out a sign. It was a picture of us on our first date. It wasn't really a date, because we were friends at the time, but it was still the perfect thing to finish off our new home. He sets it down on the tv stand. It goes perfectly with all the decorations. I smile.

"Welcome home Bri."

"Welcome home Anten."

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Thank you for reading.

-Sydney (A simple story goes a long way)

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