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Percy was training on his own in camp, mowing through training dummies, not breaking a sweat. Each slice of the sword resulted in a cunning strike, decapitating the straw people which were magically replenished each time they were damaged. Once he had knocked five down in concession he summoned the water in the air and blasted ice shards right through the figure all around him. "Good training session." he thought to himself, packing up his stuff and off to watch a movie with Annabeth."


As Zeus was monitoring the son of Poseidon he couldn't help but think, "That spawn of my brother is a threat to my position in power. None of the other gods realize it, but I must convince them of it. He is too dangerous." He snapped all the gods to attention.

"Why are we are?" Artemis asked with a touch of annoyance in her voice.

"I have brought you all here today to discuss the banishment of Percy Jackson," Zeus said. All the gods looked baffled. "He is becoming a threat to our positions in power and Olympus as a whole. Today, I saw him training and he was using tactics to weakness us. But worst of all, he was controlling fish by bending their own blood, a forbidden technique."

"My son would never!" Poseidon exclaimed.

"Why would he do such a thing?" Hades questioned. "He has only ever helped us, saving our asses multiple times. I am very well against the idea of banishment."

"If you wish to side against Olympus, then so be it but you may find yourself out of a job. As the king of Olympus, my call is final." The gods looked shocked but did not rise against his decision as he slammed his Master Bolt against his throne.


Percy and Annabeth were cuddled up against each other, watching Frozen 2 as Chiron burst through the door. "Annabeth, Percy, you need to be at Olympus immediately."

The couple ran outside for Dionysus to grab them teleport them. In the blink of an eye, they were in the throne room of Olympus. They looked around and spotted many other demigods and gods.

Zeus stepped forward. "You all are here today for one simple thing that has to be done. A certain traitor has been revealed in Camp Half Blood. This demigod is known by Percy Jackson's and we now shall cast him to Tartarus." All the campers gasped and whispers spread throughout the crowd.

"Bullshit! All I have ever done is fight for this crooked hierarchy!"

"What you did yesterday proves other wise, bending blood, training to overthrow us. I, Zeus, the King of Olympus hereby sentence you to an eternity in Tartarus. Any objections?" Percy watched in horror as nobody, not even his own father spoke up. "You may now speak your last words."

A twisted look was brought out in his eyes as he spoke. "I am no longer Percy Jackson, the innocent fighter you raised me to be. A idiotic boy of weakness and loyalty. Your greatest ally will now will be your greatest enemy. As Perseus, the Fallen Demigod and the Bane of Olympus, I sever all ties with every single one of you traitors," he finished pointing at the gods.

The entire room was cast into an eerie silence before Zeus spoke up. "Now you shall suffer for your sins. Hades, please do the honors," The dark god snapped and a pit to Tartarus opened up below Perseus, having him plummet. He looked back and saw Annabeth rigid in place, yet Nico running right to the pit and jumping just before the gods could stop him.

Perseus - The Bane of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now