6. Catfight

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After about an hour of walking, Mista and I Switched places with Abbachio. Inside the turtle, everyone was resting to prepare for whatever we would be meeting next. Bruno and Trish were whispering about something that seemed a bit serious, while Fugo and Narancia were quietly arguing about who should get the last drink.

"Are the two of you alright?" Giorno asked. He sat on the left side of Mista, while I sat on the right.

"Yeah, no need to worry about us." I replied with a smile. Mista gave me a weird look which I returned, hoping he understood that I'd kill him if he said anything about what happened to me.

"We're here." Abbachio's voice was heard from outside, and everyone except for Trish and Bucciarati exited the turtle. We had stopped at a large parking lot, and since we needed to steal a car, we had to have someone start it up too. Giorno turned a bunch of cars into frogs, so the police wouldn't know what car we stole, and would be looking for all of them.

"I'll try to get this started." Mista said and pointed to a car in the corner. Giorno held the turtle in his hand and wandered off somewhere, but I didn't bother to check where.

"Hey, Mista, can you hurry up already?" I asked. This place was located in a pretty remote area, so I figured it wasn't safe to stay here for longer than necessary.

"She's right, you're taking so long..." Narancia filled in.

"Will you two shut up already?! I'm trying..." He seemed pissed off. Narancia and I gave each other a mischievous look before continuing.

"Come ooooon Mista... Why are you so slow?" I added, before Narancia kept going too.

"Yeah, I would have finished this by now." Mista had an extremely annoyed look on his face, and seemed to bite his lip to contain his irritation.

"I agree with Narancia and the girl." Abbachio said, much to my surprise. This really annoyed the fuck out of him.

"CAN YOU NOT SEE ME WORKING ON IT? ARE YOU BLIND? WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRY? YEAH, WOULD YOU DO A BETTER JOB, NARANCIA?!" But Narancia didn't listen, he was busy waving to giorno who was on the other side of the parking lot.

"Yeah, uh, he's not listening." I told him. Mista got out of the car and walked up to me, placing his face very close to mine. Our height difference made him look down on me a bit.

"One more word from you and I'll tell them about your little secret." He whispered the words, just loud enough for me to hear. A normal person would probably back off by now, but clearly I wanted to have some fun with this.

"Oh really? You're trying to use it against me? Because... last time I checked, you looked pretty worried about me when it happened." I responded in the same volume, making sure the conversation stayed private even though both Abbachio and Fugo were nearby. I also made sure that the grin on my face was visible to him.

"As if I care..." He said, now avoiding eye contact, but the gap between us not getting any larger.

"What are you guys doing?" Narancia asked as he turned back to us, still standing face to face with each other. He loudly gasped before continuing. "Are you guys about to kiss?!"

In less than a second, both Mista and I moved away from each other, placing a large distance between us.

"Like hell we were!" I replied before turning away and crossing my arms. My cheeks started heating up, and right before Mista stepped into the car again, I noticed he had a faint red color on his face as well. Most likely from embarrassment, though. Fugo burst out laughing and roughly patted Narancia on the back.

"...You just made this situation so much better." Suddenly, Giorno came back. He looked like an absolute mess.

"What happened to you?" I asked.

"A stand user..." He said, slightly annoyed.


Once Mista got the car started up, Giorno became the driver and Fugo sat in the passenger seat holding the turtle. Giorno was a surprisingly good driver for being 15. Fugo held the turtle with the others in it, while Mista and I sat in the back to keep an eye out.

"According to the information we've gotten, there should be two stand users left from the team that's hunting down Trish." Fugo said.

"Yeah, but we never know, there could be more." Mista replied, keeping an eye out the back window. I glanced over at him. I realized his dark eyes were actually kinda prett- no. Absolutely not. I will not let myself have those thoughts about him. After all, that hat of his makes me wanna pour bleach into my eyes.

"Hey, there's something going on inside the turtle." Fugo looked concerned, and I stretched to the front to get a better look.


It turns out that Pericolo, the capo who left Trish with us, had left us a message. We had to retrieve something from a statue in Venice to know the exact location where we needed to drop Trish off.

"Okay, so we're heading to Venice then?" Mista asked.

"No shit." I replied. I could feel him staring at me. As we got closer to Venice, Giorno spoke up.

"Fugo, Y/N, head back to the turtle for now. We don't know what could happen once we approach the station." We did as we were told and left Giorno and Mista to keep an eye out for now.

"Hey, Narancia." Upon calling his name, he turned to me. Apparently I interrupted him while he talked to Fugo. "Out of pure curiosity, why is Mista's stand a gun?" I asked.

"Oh, that... He saved a girl from getting raped this one time, killed the four men and went to jail for it. Bucciarati busted him out and had him go through Polpo's test, where he got his stand." He said, as if it was the most casual thing in the world.

"I understand... SO HE JUST KILLED A BUNCH OF GUYS?!" I yelled, catching the other's attention. Fugo smiled at my reaction. I couldn't help but feel slightly impressed at his accomplishment, though. After all, he went to jail because he saved a woman he had never met before...

"Yeah, he was 17 at the time... Hey, Y/N, how come you're so interested in Mista?" He asked with a smirk emanating on his lips. I was a bit taken back by the question, and I could see Narancia hiding a smirk as well.

"I am not interested in him. I'm simply curious, seeing as the rest of you have perfectly normal stands." I replied, realizing nothing about stands were normal.

"My stand is an airplane, and you haven't questioned that once..." Narancia replied, holding back a laugh. I simply scoffed at his answer.

Before they could tease me any more, I felt my body shiver at the sudden cold. The room started to fill with Ice and all of us got our guards up immediately.

"What's going on?!" Abbachio exclaimed, the cold still increasing.

"I don't know, but I'm worried about Giorno and Mista..." Bruno answered with seriousness in his voice. "They must have encountered another stand user. The ice on the walls keeps increasing, chances are they're at a disadvantage right now." My mind started to wander, and a sudden worry built up inside my chest.


This chapter was SUPPOSED to be longer, but I figured our bestie Ghiaccio deserved his own chapter, so that'll be coming up lmao


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